Forrest Gump Timeline

  • Period: to

    Forrest Gump Timeline

    Timeline of the important US events in the film Forrest Gump. Made by Sophia Stutte for Pd7 APUSH
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    War in Vietnam that had American involvement, lasted from 1955-1975. America attempted to keep communism out of Vietnam by fighting in their war between Cambodia Key Concept 8.1 II B: The Vietnam war relates to this Key Concept because of the push against wars from Americans. With the Vietnam War's progression and America's involvement in it, there were more violent protests. Vietnam War on
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, MS on January 8, 1935. He is titled the "King of Rock and Roll" and released his No. 1 single, "Heartbreak Hotel," in 1956. Elvis is named one of the most iconic cultural figures in the 20th century. Video:
    Elvis song
  • John F. Kennedy

    John F. Kennedy
    John F Kennedy was born on May 19, 1917 and became president on January 20, 1961. His term lasted til 1963. He was known for the Bay of Pigs invasion, as well as the Cuban missile crisis. Key Concept 8.1 I E: John F. Kennedy relates to this Key Concept because he was very involved in the Cold War in Latin America. This is shown through the events during his term like the Cuban missile crisis and the Bay of Pigs invasion.
  • Vivan Malone and James Hood

    Vivan Malone and James Hood
    Two African American students who were attempting to attend the University of Alabama. They were blocked by the Governor of Alabama, George Wallace, but were eventually let in granted by President John F. Kennedy
    Key Concept 8.2 I A: This relates to the Key Concept because of how it affected the civil rights movement. Malone and Hood's push to get into the university pushed against the "Separate yet equal" that Plessy v. Ferguson stated, which stood alongside Brown v. Board of Education
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    John F Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963 during a presidential motorcade in Dallas Texas. Kennedy was riding next to his wife when he was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.
  • Lyndon B Johnson

    Lyndon B Johnson
    LBJ was the 36th President of the United States from 1963 to 1969. He became president after John F. Kennedy was assassinated. He designed the "Great Society" and attempted to expand civil rights, public broadcasting, Medicare, Medicaid, aid to education, the arts, urban and rural development, public services and his "War on Poverty".
  • Black Panthers

    Black Panthers
    The Black Panther Party was an African American revolutionary party. It was founded in 1966 in Oakland, California. Its purpose was to protect African American residents from acts of police brutality.
    Key Concept 8.2 I C: This relates to the Key Concept because of the push for better civil rights, fighting against police brutality against African American people. Black Panther Party
  • Robert Kennedy

    Robert Kennedy
    Robert Kennedy, John F Kennedy's younger brother, was a U.S. Senator from New York. He was viewed as an icon of modern American liberalism and was assassinated in 1968
  • Richard Nixon

    Richard Nixon
    President from 1969 until 1974. Was heavily involved in the Vietnam war and brought the American POWs home and ended the military draft. He was involved with the Watergate Scandal which declined his political support. Key Concept 8.1 I C: Nixon relates to this key concept because of how he changed Cold War influences across the countries involved. He did so through the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, started during his administration.
  • Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam

    Moratorium to End the War in Vietnam
    A protest demonstration that ended up being massive, as well as teach-ins across the US to fight against United States involvement in the Vietnam War. It was followed by a March on Washington against the Vietnam War a month later Key Concept 8.1 II B: This event directly shows the opposition to wars in America. Thousands of Americans protested against American involvement in the Vietnam War.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate Scandal was an investigation put against Nixon and his administration on rumors about illegal actions. These rumors were that republicans in Nixon's administration were sneaking through the Democratic party's information at the Watergate Hotel. Key Concept 8.2 III E: This event connects to this Key Concept because the scandal with the president made the public of America lose trust in the government. Watergate Scandal
  • Ronald Reagan

    Ronald Reagan
    Ronald Reagan was the 40th president of the United States. He was a Republican politician that created the concept of Reaganomics. This was also known as supply-side economics and was an attempt to decrease the federal debt. This didn't work and the federal debt increased a lot. Key Concept 9.1 I A: Reagan connects to this key concept because of his association with his concept of Reaganomics. This also connects to how Reagan's candidacy was a success for conservatives because of his presidency