Forrest Gump Timeline

  • Klu Klux Klan

    Klu Klux Klan
    Forrest claims that his mother named him after civil war hero, Nathan Bedford Forrest. Nathan is also the founder of KKK. The movie had members of KKK as heroes to African Americans. Forrest Gump movie had showed about slavery and other evil actions. It was controversial because it was sympathizing the evil and it went against what the population considered.
  • Run, Forrest, Run

    Run, Forrest, Run
    As Forrest was walking with his childhood Jenny, some kids started to throw rocks at him. He was still on his leg braces. Jenny told him to run while he was still wearing the braces o his leg. As he was running, his leg braces came of and he got faster and faster and kept running as Jenny yelled
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis Presley came to stay at the Boarding Home with the Gumps. When Forrest was a kid, he danced in a weird way while Elvis played his guitar. Forrest had inspired Elvis with his dance moves and made Elvis want to dance similar. It really didn't happen in reality. Elvis was one of the most famous musicians.
  • The Hippie Movement

    The Hippie Movement
    After Jenny leaves Forrest, he soon finds her putting herself with the Hippie Culture in an Anti-Vietnam War rally. The Hippie movement did actually happen in the Untied States. The main belief that they expressed was their anti-sentiments towards the war in Vietnam. Forrest gave a speech on his feelings about the war in Vietnam, when the speaker system malfunctions and his speech is never heard.
  • Meeting President Kennedy

    Meeting President Kennedy
    Forrest met John F Kennedy during his college years. He was an All American with the University of Alabama. As Forrest met JFK, he drank all of the Dr. Pepper.
  • John F. Kennedy Assassination

    John F. Kennedy Assassination
    Forrest had met with president John F. Kennedy at the White House, as part of being a member of the All -American college football team. Forrest was given the opportunity to meet President John F. Kennedy, on a trip to the White House, for being a part of the college football all-american team. He was known for one of the best presidents elected during his time, until his reign in office came to an end. In 1963, JFK was riding in a car for his election in 1964. He was later shot to death.
  • The Black Panther Party

    The Black Panther Party
    In the movie, Forrest Gump, Jenny had taken Forrest to a meeting of the Black panther Party. They had believed that preventing racism against blacks and that all blacks deserved to be treated equally as whites. The group was known for military posture and expressing their beliefs.
  • Ping Pong

    Ping Pong
    Forrest had became a very adept at playing ping pong. He is so good that he is asked to play on the American team against the Chinese. It's a clear parallel to the term Ping Pong Diplomacy which was used between the Americans and the Chinese. Then he is forced to take the Chinese team buss where he talks with Zhuang Zhedong through an interpreter.
  • John lennon

    John lennon
    In the Forrest Gump movie, Gump had asked to sit on television with John Lennon during a interview. John Lennon was was English musician singer. He was also a member of the bang, The Beatles. John was known for his rebellious nature and his criticism of the Vietnam War. John Lennon criticism was so bad that Nixon administration almost deported him back to England.
  • The Watergate Scandal

    The Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate Scandal from the Watergate hotel. The Watergate Scandal was a political scandal during the 1970's that involved a break in the Democratic National Committee headquarters of the Watergate Office Complex in Washington D.C. In the investigation, it was revealed that every conversation in the oval office was taped and that Nixon was supposed to give up the tapes.
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War
    In the movie, Forrest Gump, Forrest enlists the army where he was sent to the front line. Many people were against the war because they believed soldiers were only being sent to their deaths. Many soldiers had returned home, only to be called by protesters as "baby killers". The war had first started at the end of the Cold War. Lyndon B Johnson and Nixon authorized hundreds of thousands of troops.
  • Invest in Apple Computers

    Invest in Apple Computers
    Lt. Dan invested in Apple Computers. Forrest didn't need to worry about any money no more. The making of this computer led to today's computer technology.
  • Smiley Face

    Smiley Face
    A man asks Forrest for ideas of T-shirt designs. Forrest wiped his muddy face on a T-shirt and the movie shows a smiley face on the T-shirt. It became a famous and very popular symbol in the United States during the 1970's that the smiley face was invented to show a stylized representation of a smiling human face. It also attributed with the quote "Have a Nice Day!" which also became a very popular saying in American. Society
  • Jenny diagnosed with HIV

    Jenny diagnosed with HIV
    Jenny was Forrest childhood friend, love interest, and later his wife. Jenny and Forrest had a son together named, Forrest Gump Jr. In 1982, Jenny was diagnosed with HIV/AIDS. Jenny would later die leaving Forrest and her son behind.
  • Lt. Dan

    Lt. Dan
    Lt. Dan fought in the Vietnam war along side Forrest. Lt. lost his legs during the war and blame it on Forrest. Lt later got married and Forrest attended his wedding. He had new legs that were called, "Magic legs"