Forrest Gump Timeline

  • Brown vs Board of Education

    Brown vs Board of Education
    This was a court case that overturned the "separate but equal" doctrine upheld by Plessy vs Ferguson. In other words, this court case desegregated schools. Brown vs Board of Education relates to Key Concept 8.2: Movements for civil rights created a range of political and cultural responses. Brown vs Board was an example of a response to the civil rights movement.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    The Space Race refers to the period of time in which the Soviet Union and the US competed for dominance of space exploration. This event increased space technology and the power of the United States. This event relates to Key Concept 9.2: During the 21st century, the US experienced technological, economic, and demographic changes. The Space Race was an example of a technological change in the US.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    The Little Rock Nine were a group of black students that were chosen to attend Little Rock Central High School. Although they had to face many hardships during their experience, they played a large role in enforcing integrated schools. This relates to Key Concept 8.2: Civil rights movements created a range of political and cultural responses. The Little Rock Nine was an example of civil rights support.
  • Hippie Movement

    Hippie Movement
    The hippie movement was a counterculture movement in which young Americans advocated for peace and rebellion. Hippies experimented with drugs and did not follow societal norms. They opposed the Vietnam War. This relates to Key Concept 8.3: Postwar demographic changes had consequences for American society and culture. The hippie movement was an impact on American society and changed American culture.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The Cuban Missile Crisis was a period of tension between the Soviet Union and the US in which the US discovered Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. It was the closest the US had ever been to nuclear war. This relates to Key Concept 8.1: The US responded to an unstable postwar world by asserting a position of global leadership. The Cuban Missile Crisis happened because the US wanted a position of global leadership in terms of nuclear weapons.
  • March on Washington

    March on Washington
    The March on Washington was a march led by Martin Luther King at the Lincoln Memorial. It advocated for the civil rights of African Americans. The march relates to Key Concept 8.2; New movements for civil rights lead to political and social responses. The march was an example of a response to the civil rights movement.
  • The Assassination of John F Kennedy

    The Assassination of John F Kennedy
    President John F Kennedy was shot while traveling through Texas in a convertible. Many Americans were saddened with this news.
  • The Great Society

    The Great Society
    The Great Society was a set of programs created by Lyndon B Johnson. It's main goal was to combat racial inequality and help those living in poverty. It reflected liberal ideas from the New Deal from the Great Depression. This relates to Key Concept 8.2: New movements for liberal efforts to expand the role of the government were met by political and cultural responses. The Great Society was a liberal movement in order to expand the role of government.
  • Tet Offensive

    Tet Offensive
    The Tet Offensive refers to the surprise attacks by the North Vietnamese forces on South Vietnam. The Tet Offensive revealed that the Vietnam was far from over, therefore causing more American opposition of the war.
  • Kent State Shooting

    Kent State Shooting
    Members of the Ohio National Guard shot students at Kent State University. The students were protesting the invasion of Cambodia by US troops. This relates to Key Concept 8.3: Postwar demographic changes had consequences for American society and culture. The shooting was an example of a consequence for American society. It entailed the death of protesters.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate Scandal refers to a robbery carried out by President Richard Nixon. Several burglars were caught stealing secret documents from the Democratic National Committee in order to support Nixon's reelection campaign. It lead to Nixon's resignation.
  • Roe vs Wade

    Roe vs Wade
    This court case upheld the right the privacy. It protected the right to have an abortion. This court case had a huge impact on women's rights and liberties. This relates to Key Concept 8.3: Economic and demographic changes had consequences for American culture. This was a change in American culture because it expanded the rights of women.