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Forrest Gump timeline

  • Stand at School door

    Stand at School door
    Newly elected Governor wallace tries to keep his promise to maintain segregation by blocking the entry for two black students at the University of Alabama. https://youtu.be/YgbNc-9Di7k
  • JFK Assassinated

    JFK Assassinated
    Lee Harvey Oswald shoots President John F. Kennedy and kills him while JFK rode through Dallas, Texas https://youtu.be/iU83R7rpXQY
  • Operation Rolling Thunder

    Operation Rolling Thunder
    U.S. Bombs Vietnam in hopes to boost moral of South Vietnamese Saigon Regime. https://youtu.be/88jrZjsNHPc
  • 1st troops sent to Vietnam

    1st troops sent to Vietnam
    The first U.S. combat troops (marines) are sent to Vietnam. https://youtu.be/jDx0nVwZzhY
  • Anti-Vietnam War movement

    Anti-Vietnam War movement
    Protests against the Vietnam War build up and marches are held across the nation. https://youtu.be/Bk09F1fTs1E
  • Robert F. Kennedy Assassination

    Robert F. Kennedy Assassination
    John F. Kennedy's younger brother was killed 5 years after his brother while running for president. He was appealing to African Americans, Hispanics, Catholics, and the poor. https://youtu.be/nXxlWU7kRW0
  • "Ping-Pong Diplomacy"

    "Ping-Pong Diplomacy"
    An exchange of ping-pong players between the United States and Communist China occurs. https://youtu.be/7EdEKsQ8o5U
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Break-in at the Democratic National Committee followed by President Richard Nixon’s attempt to cover-up its involvement. https://youtu.be/jXCxZE0hZ40
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Hurricane that hit the land around the Gulf of Mexico and the carribean in 1974. https://youtu.be/OWIeQKexy84
  • Apple Computer inc. Founded

    Apple Computer inc. Founded
    Apple is founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. https://youtu.be/OYecfV3ubP8
  • Elvis Presley Death

    Elvis Presley Death
    Elvis Presley died by a heart attack on August 16, 1977. It was suspected that it was from an overdose of prescription drugs that caused his heart to stop https://youtu.be/1ByMRfA0mOk
  • John Lennon Assassination

    John Lennon Assassination
    John Lennon was shot by Mark David Chapman on Monday December 8, 1980 https://youtu.be/R7GyYFJPDbE
  • Nintendo Entertainment System

    Nintendo Entertainment System
    Nintendo releases the NES. It was the first console by the company to be sold to the United States. it became very popular in the USA.
  • Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster

    Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster
    Space Shuttle Challenger fell apart in mid-air while i was on a mission to orbit the earth. Seven crew members, and a teacher died on that mission.
  • Black Monday

    Black Monday
    The stock market crashes in New York. Stocks fall by 22.6% in one day. As a result stock markets around the world also drop.
  • World wide Web Publicly Debuted

    World wide Web Publicly Debuted
    The internet which was previously used exclusively by the military was made public. The internet allowed people connect locally and worldwide.