Forrest gump timeline

By tanjoot
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    KKK was white nationalism,white supremacy,they didn't like black people and many other groups of immigrant especially Jews. They also attacked lesbians and gays. They would wear all white and cover their faces.
  • Brown vs board of education

    Brown vs board of education
    Law that says all white and blacks student will go to school together and would have same and equal opportunities like every other student.
  • Emmett Till

    Emmett Till
    He was young 14 year old African American and was born in Chicago IL. He was very cheerful and everyone around him liked him.but he was beaten to death and shot by two white mens because they thought he said something to a white women from their family.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam war

    This war was between North and South Korea fighting over being communists and later on many countries got involved and US also was involved for many years .
  • MLK

    MLK was a leader and a spokesperson in Civil Rights Movement he wanted to put segregation and dicrimination to end and he also did a famous speech called I have a dream .
  • The space race

    The space race
    Countries fighting or trying to compete with each other over achieving the name of going to space first doing things before others and be the first ones.
  • The little rock nine

    The little rock nine
    The little rock nine was group of black kids who intergrated a high school in arkansas faced many difficulties throughout .
  • Elvis Presely

    Elvis Presely
    he was a famous singer and actor of that era.people called him King of rock.
  • Assasianation of JFK

    Assasianation of JFK
    JFK was our nations president and he served over 2 years he was killed in Dalla Texas by Lee Harvey later on someone killed him too.
  • MalcolmX

    Malcolm X was also a leader and activist fighting for rights of blacks and other groups. He was half African American and half Muslim.
  • The Civil Rights Movement

    The Civil Rights Movement
    Civil Right Movement was for African Americans to have equal rights as other groups and to end discrimination and segregation it was created under Jfk .
  • Medicare and Medicaid

    Medicare and Medicaid
    Medicare was a heath insurance for elderly people and Mediacid was for people who were on welfare. later on started supporting people with low in income.