Forrest gump original

Forrest Gump Timeline

  • 1967 BCE

    VIetnam War Protests

    VIetnam War Protests
    These protests lasted all throughout the 60's and 70's. The point people were trying to get across is that they wanted to end the US' involvement with the war because of expenses, including life.
  • Date Of Birth

    Date Of Birth
    The day Forrest was born! This also happened to be during World War 2. This date is also known as D-Day.
  • Black & White Military

    Black & White Military
    President Harry S. Truman demanded discrimination in the military to end. "Executive Order 9981" abolished the discrimination, then led to the end of segregation as a whole in the military.
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Forrest fought in this war in this film. This war lasted a very long time. The US was a fraction of the fighting.
  • Elvis' Rise to Fame

    Elvis' Rise to Fame
    Elvis appears in the movie, and in 1956 is when he first started to rise to fame. Forrest was in love with Elvis and his music. Also in 1956, the Alabama Bus Segregation Laws were said to be illegal by the US Supreme Court.

    Hippies started popping up around the early 60's, and they were all about spirituality. They helped shape our culture to how it is now. This is when more and more recreational drugs were used.
  • 1960's 'Drug of Choice'

    1960's 'Drug of Choice'
    Marijuana was the drug of choice in the 60's, as well as cocaine. Marijuana was loved and still is by many people, because of the calm feelings it could give you, just like the hippies tried to show. Peace and love was one of their messages.
  • Segregation

    Forrest met a black woman on the bus stop bench on the campus of U of Alabama. Segregation was a horribly huge issue where colored and white people had different rights. Whites had a lot more privileges, but one day, the colored people decided to speak up for themselves which caused life long history.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon Landing
    Armstrong was the first person to step on the moon. This was one of the most moving historical events for the US.
  • George Wallace Assassination Attempt

    George Wallace Assassination Attempt
    George Wallace, and American politician survived this assassination attempt in Laurel, Maryland. Though he survived, his life was changed forever because he was then paralyzed from the waist down. The attempted 'killer' was Arthur Bremer.
  • Murder of John Lennon

    Murder of John Lennon
    John Lennon Was murdered by an armed man in Manhattan, New York. The killer was Mark Chapman, from Hawaii. The killer seemed to be a well put together man, with a passion for the Beatles.
  • Reagan Assassination Attempt

    Reagan Assassination Attempt
    Ronald Reagan was targeted 69 days after becoming president. Three other people were also shot in the process. This happened when leaving a speaking 'engagement' at the Washington Hilton Hotel.