Forrest Gump Timeline: 1950-1990

  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam War begins in 1955 due to U.S. involvement between a Communist North Vietnam and Democratic South Vietnam quarrel. This war was to contain the spread of Communism and from the rest of Asia. According to the movie's lore Gump is deployed onto the battlefield in Vietnam in 1966.
    Key Concept 8.1 IB
  • Elvis performs "Hound Dog" live on TV

    Elvis performs "Hound Dog" live on TV
    Elvis Presley, the King of Rock, performs his famous song "Hound Dog" live on the Milton Berle Show. This was seen in the movie when young Forrest was watching it live through the window of a TV store.
  • Hippie Movement

    Hippie Movement
    The Hippie Movement, was a youth movement of counterculture that sprouted prominently during the Vietnam War. The movement was popular in expressing anti-war sentiments, for example, in May 12, 1964 in New York City, Men that were drafted into the military burned their draft cards in public protest. The Hippie Movement also was very much involved with popular drugs at the time, including crack and marijuana.
    Key Concept 8.3 IIB
  • University of Alabama

    University of Alabama
    In 1963, President John F. Kennedy deployed the National Guard on the campus of the University of Alabama. This was to force desegregation of the school and promote integration between white and colored students.
    Key Concept 8.2 IB
  • Pres. John F. Kennedy is Assassinated

    Pres. John F. Kennedy is Assassinated
    President Kennedy riding in a 10 mile motorcade down the busy streets of Dallas, Texas was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald. Kennedy was hit and wounded, 30 minutes later officials pronounced him as deceased.
  • The Black Panther Party

    The Black Panther Party
    The Black Panther Party was founded by Huey Newton in Oakland, California to stand against for police brutality and black inequality. This group is seen in the movie when Jenny brings Gump to a Black Panther Party HQ.
    Key Concept 8.2 IA
  • Landing on the Moon

    Landing on the Moon
    The Space Race had been going on between the American NASA and the Soviet Sputnik, landing on the moon showed the Soviets that the U.S. were superior to them. Apollo 11's astronaut, Neil Armstrong, lands on the moon for the first time.
    Key Concept 8.1 IB
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    Ping Pong Diplomacy began in April 1971, where U.S. National Ping Pong players would play a fair match against the Chinese team. This would help ease tensions between the two countries, since Nixon wanted to keep trade open with China even though they were Communists. This was also a form of Detente so nations could ease tensions.
    Key Concept 8.1 IC
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    President Richard Nixon led a break in into the building of the Democratic National Committee to bug the rooms to hear in on conversations. He also stole secret documents that the Democrats had in the building.
    Key Concept 8.3 IIIE
  • Crack Epidemic

    Crack Epidemic
    Throughout the 80s and the 90s the U.S. had surged with a crack cocaine epidemic. This increased the crime in huge cities throughout the United States and the Police force became more tough on crime. Pres. Reagan especially was tougher on drugs, with his War on Drugs plan.
  • HIV & AIDS Epidemic

    HIV & AIDS Epidemic
    The HIV & AIDS Epidemic broke out it in the United States in the year of 1981. Although some say it had been present in the U.S. since the 60s, many agree that the outbreak really ignited in the 80s. This occured during the Reagan Administration, which Reagan later on funded for.
    Key Concept 8.3 IIB
    First AIDS Outbreak News Article:
  • Attempted Assassination of Pres. Ronald Reagan

    Attempted Assassination of Pres. Ronald Reagan
    John Hinckely Jr. attempted to assassinate President Ronald Reagan in Washington, D.C. Hinckely was found not guilty because of insanity and was sent to a mental institution. He didn't have a political motive but, wanted to killed Reagan for an actress he liked.