Forrest Gump timeline 1950-1990

  • Period: to


  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Long and costly war between North and South Vietnam. The democratic South was allied with the U.S. against the communist North Vietnam. It was very unpopular in the U.S. [{]
  • Rise of Elvis Presley

    Rise of Elvis Presley
    One of the most significant cultural icons of the 20th century. He was the most popular singer in America till his death in 1977 from prescription drug abuse.
  • Little Rock Nine

    Little Rock Nine
    9 black students were sent to an alll white school. Due to pressure of elections coming around the Arkansas governor sent the national guard to stop the black kids from entering the school. president Eisenhower sent federal troops to escort the black students and the school was desegregated. []
  • Hippie counterculture movement

    Hippie counterculture movement
    A group of people in the 1960's who participate in a counterculture. Often against war and for peace they were creating a new culture.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    Shortly after noon JFK was shot as he was in a motorcade. The shots were fatal and JFK was pronounced dead.
  • Black Panther party

    Black Panther party
    African American revolutionary party, founded in 1966 in Oakland, California, by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale. Originally created to patrol black neighborhoods and protect them from police brutality.They later fought for equal rights. []
  • Robert Kennedy Assassination

    Robert Kennedy Assassination
    Kennedy was running for the Democratic nomination for President. He was shot dead just like his brother.
  • Apollo 11 Moon Landing

    Apollo 11 Moon Landing
    Russia had beaten the U.S. to the moon. U.S. was finally able to get Neil Armstrong and his crew to land on the moon. This event happened during the cold war.
  • Ping Pong diplomacy

    Ping Pong diplomacy
    Using table tennis players to ease tennis between America and Communist China. It was effective in finally getting Richard Nixon to visit Beijing.
  • Nixon Watergate scandal

    Nixon Watergate scandal
    On early morning some burglars were caught hijacking the DNC by wiretapping phones and stealing documents. They were sent by Nixon and the people lost trust in him and he resigned. This event lead to mistrust between the government and the people for a very long time.
  • HIV/AIDS Epedemic

    HIV/AIDS Epedemic
    A new disease was discovered in the U.S as early as the 1960's but it was not identified or curable. The disease started taking the lives of many during the late 1970's and early 1980's. It was not identified as a STD until much later.
  • Attempted assassination of Reagan

    Attempted assassination of Reagan
    President Reagan was shot on his way back from a speech. He was seriously injured but recovered quickly.