Forrest Gump Timeline

  • Period: to

    Forrest Gump Timespan

  • Forrest dances to Elvis Presley

    Forrest dances to Elvis Presley
    Forrest's mom hosted guests for bed and breakfast to make money. One of the guests was Elvis Presley and he had his guitar with him. Forrest was dancing while Elvis was playing a song and Forrest introduced the idea of hip dancing.
  • Forrest Gump meets JFK

    Forrest Gump meets JFK
    Forrest was so fast at running he earned a spot on the University of Alabama football team. Forrest meets JFK with his teammates while at a celebration for their All-American team.
  • Desegregation of the University of Alabama

    Desegregation of the University of Alabama
    President John F. Kennedy sends National Guard troops to the University of Alabama to force desegregation. The next day, two African American students were successfully enrolled.
  • Assassination of JFK

    Assassination of JFK
    John F. Kennedy was assassinated while riding through Dallas, Texas. Thirty minutes after being shot in the head, JFK was pronounced dead. The governor was also shot, but only wounded and survived
  • Forrest fights in the Vietnam War

    Forrest fights in the Vietnam War
    Forrest enters the army and fights in the war. He meets Lt. Dan and Bubba, who are some of the main characters in the movie. Forrest is obedient and ends up saving many soldiers in the war.
  • Forest receives Medal of Honor

    Forest receives Medal of Honor
    Forrest wins the Medal of Honor for his heroic deeds and bravery in the Vietnam War. Forrest is awarded the Medal of Honor by Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • Armstrong and Aldrin walk on the moon

    Armstrong and Aldrin walk on the moon
    Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin step foot on the moon. America becomes the first nation to successfully send astronauts to the moon. This was part of the Apollo 11 mission.
  • Forrest goes to China for Ping Pong

    Forrest goes to China for Ping Pong
    Forrest discovers his natural talent for ping pong in the Army Special Services. He joins the All-American Ping Pong team and travels to China during the Ping Pong Diplomacy period
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    There is a government scandal, called the Watergate, is at the hotel Forrest is staying at and spies are listening in on conversations. Forrest thinks they might be looking for the breaker box and calls security. Forrest ended up exposing the scandal and a few days later President Nixon resigns because of him.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    Hurricane Carmen was a major Atlantic hurricane on the Gulf of Mexico. During Hurrican Carmen, Forrest and Lt. Dan are at sea on their shrimping boat. Forrest named their boat "The Jenny."
  • Forrest invests in Apple

    Forrest invests in Apple
    Lt. Dan invests Forrest in Apple. Apple was a huge success and Forrest now longer had to worry about money. He even gave some of his money to Bubba's family.
  • Jenny gets sick

    Jenny gets sick
    Jenny, Forrest's best friend is sick and comes to live with Forrest. People weren't sure what this sickness was, but they knew it was just as contagious as the common cold. It was later discovered to be HIV/AIDS.