
Forrest Gump Timeline

  • The Klu Klux Klan

    The Klu Klux Klan
    Forrest Gump's dad was a grand wizard of the Klu Klux Klan. The Klu Klux Klan is a white supremacy group that was racist and doesn't like blacks. They passed an klu klux klan act in 1871 saying that Grant can use military to stop them.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    Elvis was staying at the Gump house and Mrs.Gump was bringing Elvis breakfast and saw Forrest teaching Elvis how to dance; Elvis ended up being the rock and roll king and one of the most famous artist in history.One of his many songs and one of my personally favorites is the Jailhouse Rock.
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    Vietnam War

    Forrest gump was enlisted to go in the Army and was sent to front line to be in the war. The Vietnam war was a war that was more to the public and more of a public opinion. A lot of people were against the war because it was a war we had no buisness getting into. We got into the Vietnam war because we didnt want the spread of communism because the domino theory would happen
  • John Lennon

    John Lennon
    Forrest was invited to the Dick Cavett after he came from china playing ping-pong and while he was on the show forrest had inspired john lennon. John lennon was was co-founder
  • JFK Murder

    JFK Murder
    Forrest met JFK when he was playing football and later on talked about his death. JFK was murdered in his car at a motorcade parade. JFK was the youngest president in office. JFK was the president during the Cuban missiles bay of pigs crisis and also was president during the cold war and had alot of things to do with the berllin wall.
  • Smiley Face

    Smiley Face
    A man had asked Forrest to give him a shirt idea and forrest had just went through some mud and had wiped his face with the shirt and the smiley face. The smiley face ended up blowing up and being a big sign. It turned into a quote which is "Have a nice day".
  • Hippie Movement

    Hippie Movement
    Forrest spoke at the Hippie movement about the Vietnam war. The Hippies were one of the countercultures.The hippie movement was about stopping the war in Vietnam.
  • The Black Panther

    The Black Panther
    Jenny was against the vietnam war and had met some black panther friends. The Black Panther party was was a violent political organization the leader of the group was huey newton and bobby seals. The black panthers patroled African American neighborhoods to protect neighborhood.
  • The Moon landing

    The Moon landing
    Forrest was watching the moon landing on tv. The moon landing was a big accomplishment for the U.S. it meant that we won the space race against Russia. The first man on the moon was Neil armstrong.
  • Charles Manson

    Charles Manson
    The day Forrest found out his mother was sick the news was on the tv and they were talking about Charles Manson followers. Charles Manson was a cult leader and murderer. He committed nine murders and conspiracy to commit seven murders.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    After Forrest left vietnam started to playing ping pong as hobby and played for America china. This led to the Ping Pong diplomacy and the exchange of table tennis between America and China.The event marked a thaw in Sino-American relations that paved the way to a visit to Beijing by President Richard Nixon.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Forrest had witnessed the Watergate scandal from the hotel. The Watergate scandal was a situation where the tried to say president Nixon had something to do with the break in and taking some files from the meeting. They did an investigation and ended up finding some tapes that led to him having something to do with the situation.
  • The Integration

    The Integration
    Forrest was there when George Wallace was trying to stop a black couple was trying to enter The University of Alabama. The segergation of schools was a big thing back then. The later on court case Brown v. Board of education desegregated all schools.
  • The Apple Company

     The Apple Company
    Forrest invested money into the Apple company he gave them all his shrimp he made on the shrimp boat. The apple company became a big profit very quickly. this company is one of the biggest fruit companies in the U.S..
  • AIDs

    When Forrest meets Jenny again she was very tired because she has aids. Aids was a new disease back then and nobody really knew about it. Eventually doctors found cures to HIV.