forrest gump timeline

  • meets elvis

    elvis visists the gump house teaches forrest how to hip dance
  • elvis tv album

    album hound dog is released
  • vietnam

    vietnam war starts
  • all american team

    all american team meats presadent
  • JKF

    JKF assassinated
  • desegergation

    unv. desegergated under armed forces
  • vietnam hero

    saves soldiers in vietnam
  • 1st moon landing

    moon landing
  • medal of honor

    earns medal of honor and meets the presadent
  • heads to china

    china pingpong team
  • election

    nixon elected
  • nixon

    nixon resigns from office
  • hurricane carmen

  • shrimping indust.

    bubbagump shrimping indust.
  • apple starts

    appel company starts

    STD epidemic starts
  • space disaster

    challenger blew up while exiting earths atmosphere