Forrest Gump Timeline

  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Beginning of The War in Vietnam. (More info in Timespan)
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    Vietnam War

    The Vietnam war started in November 1955 and ended in August 1975. This war was a very long and costly war. It was about the Communist regime of North Vietnam and its southern allies against South Vietnam and the United States. Many people died on both sides and this war is considered as a tie for the United States. (Ch. 33 "War in Vietnam" Section 3 "A Turning Point")
  • Elvis Presley Debut Album Named Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley Debut Album Named Elvis Presley
    On this day Elvis Presley debuted his first ablum named "Elvis Presley". The ablum stayed on Billboard's Top Pop Albums in the number one for ten weeks. It became the first rock and roll ablum to make it on the chart. The album reached over $1 million in sales.
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    Alabama Football Heyday

    Alabama Footbal Heyday started when coach Paul Bryant came to the football program in 1960. In "Bear's" forth season he led the Crimson Tide to their 6th national championship and Bryant's first victory with Alabama. In his era as head coach he won 6 national championships and a NCAA record 323 wins.
  • Alabama Football Heyday

    Alabama Football Heyday
    The University of Alabama wins its first National Championship under Head Coach Bear Bryant. (More info in Timespan)
  • Integration occurs at The University of Alabama

    Integration occurs at The University of Alabama
    At The University of Alabama a federal cout ordered them to admit African American students. These students, Vivien Malone and James Hood, were going to attend the university's summer session but Governor Wallace did not allow it. But in the end President Kennedy issued that that these students attend the school
  • John F. Kennedy Assassination

    John F. Kennedy Assassination
    On November 22, 1963, many people crowded the streets of Main street in Dallas, Texas. The Presidential Limo turned off Main Street at Dealey Plaza around 12:30 p.m. The Limo passed the Texas School Book Depository and gunfire reverberated in the plaza. The bullets struck Kennedy in the neck and head. He was died on the scene of the accident even as they were rushed to the Hospital. (Ch. 30 "The New Frontier and the Great Society" Section 2 "The Kennedy White House")
  • Assassination of Robert Kennedy

    Assassination of Robert Kennedy
    On June 6, 1968 at Midnight, Robert Kennedy, a presidential candidate, was done giving his speech at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. As he was shacking hands with supporters he was shot three times by a Palestinian immigrant Sirhan. Robert died of his wounds 26 hours later. This led to Sercet Service to protect future presidential candidates. (Ch. 33 "War in Vietnam" Section 3 "A Turning Point")
  • USA lands on the Moon

    USA lands on the Moon
    On July 16, 1996 the U.S. Apollo 11 was launched into space. Four days later, Apollo 11 landed on the moon. This was the first manned mission to land on the moon. Two man set foot on the moon, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. They collected lunar rocks and they had to bring it back to Earth. The spacecraft was piloted by Michael Collins.
  • Assassination Attempt of President Reagan

    Assassination Attempt of President Reagan
    On March 30, 1971, President Reagan was 69 days into his presidency. He just had finished giving a speak at a Washington Hilton when the first shot went off. President Readan was shot by John Hinckley, Jr. He was shot in the lung but he surviored the shot wound. In the end the shooter was found not guilty because he had a mental illness.
  • Assassination Attempt on Governor Wallace

    Assassination Attempt on Governor Wallace
    On May 15, 1972 Governor George Wallace was campaign at Laurel Shopping Center in Laurel, Maryland. There he was shot five times by Arthur Bremer. Arthur claims he shot the Governer because he was recieving high ratings for president candidate for the election 1972.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    On June 17, 1972 five men were arrested for breaking into the Democratic National Committe at the Watergate hotel in Washington, D.C. Supposely they were under Nixon administration and evidence from the president's office revealed he attemped to cover illegal happwnings a number of times. Because of this Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974 at noon.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    On August 29, 1974 Hurricane Carmen hit the southcoast of Louisiana. This hurricane was a category 4 hurricane with winds reaching speeds of over 150 mph. The storm caused ove $150 million in damages. It also disrupted fish and shrimp in the area of landfall.
  • HIV/AIDS Outbreak

    HIV/AIDS Outbreak
    In the summer of June 1981, the United States eas reporting of a rare form of cancer among gay men in NY and California. It became known as "gay cancer". In 1986 gay cancer was renamed into HIV. Symptoms of this ranged from fevers to pneumonia. It also became know as one of the biggest health concern in modern history and is still around today.