Elvis Presley
Elvis Presley releases his song "Hound Dog" It becomes a number one hit.It premiers on tv. -
Counterculture discovered people known as "hippies." The wanted to be away from mainstream society and focus on peace. They were commonly known for being nudists and bein very spiritual. -
Integration of the University of Alabama
2 black students integrated into the University of Alabama. There were disputes between black and whites and people protested outside the school that they didn't want to integrate. -
Meets president Kennedy
the All American football team meets president Kennedy. They are bein recognized and congratulated for being selected to play on this team. -
Kennedy Assinated
Kennedy was assinated while riding in his convertible. He was with his wife and the secret service was asked to step down. He was shot in the back of the head twice. -
Fight in Vietnam
America got involved in the fight in Vietnam. We sent many soldiers to be stationed there to fight on the south side. We were fighting again the communist north from expanding. We learned about this in Chapter 33, Section 1 -
Black Panther Party
The Black Panther Party was a revolutionary organization. They initially planned to protect black neighborhoods from police brutality. -
Vietnam War Protests
100,000 preotesters gathered at the Lincoln Memorial. 30,000 continued the march to the Pentagon that night. After brutal confrontations, hundreds of them were arrested. This was one of the most famous protests. -
Robert Kennedy Assassination
He was killed at the Ambassador hotel while addressing his campaign supporters. He was shot three times and one behind his right ear, shattering parts of his brain. He died 26 hours after the shooting. -
Scandal begins during 1972. It was considered as an abuse of power. Watergate included phonetapping, tax fraud, illegal use of gov't agencies, and use of public money. -
War ends
A ceasefire is signed with North Vietnam. the U.S was to remove all troops. North Vietnam was going to continue fighting with South Vietnam. There was no provision for POW or MIA. -
Hurricane Carmen
Carmen became a category 5 hurricane. It was catagorized as a tropical cyclone.