
Forrest Gump Movie Timeline

  • The Klu Klux Klan in Forrest Gump

    In the movie Forrest Gump claims that his mother named him after Civil war hero, Nathan Bedford Forrest. This man was the person who founded the Klu Klux Klan during the 1800's. In the movie, Forrest Gump is actually superimposed onto a picture from the movie, Birth of a Nation of Nathan Bedford Forrest as can be seen in the picture on the left. (
  • Klu Klux Klan

    Klu Klux Klan
  • Elvis becomes the King of Rock

    Elvis becomes the King of Rock
    Elvis Presley obviously defined the meaning of of Rock. He created a large aspect of American culture. John Lennon was inspired from Elvis Presley.
  • Child Abuse because of alcohol

    Child Abuse because of alcohol
    In the movie it is shown that Jenny's dad is a drunk and that he possibly abuses her. Around that time that is why the temperance movement to start in the first place. Because of Southern Cultures parents got into bad conditions like Jenny and her Dad. (
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Forrest Gump joined the army to help his country. During the war in Vietnam people at home were saying that they no longer support the war. Troops from America had no idea of what they are going into because they have never fought over there. It was like when Germany want to go fight in Russia but they weren't prepared for the climate and other things to. (
  • All American Football team meets JFK

    All American Football team meets JFK
    In 1961 the all American Football team meets JFK. Every year the football team goes and meets with the president. John F Kennedy was a president for a while until he got assassinated.
  • Desegregation of the University of Alabama

    Desegregation of the University of Alabama
    In the 1960s blacks were fighting for desegregation. It started real slow then eventually everywhere was desegregated. People were not happy that University of Alabama was being desegregated because back then Alabama was racist.
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    Black Panther's in Forrest Gump

    In the movie, Jenny takes Forrest Gump to a meeting of the Black Panther Party. The Black Panther Party was an African American revolutionary leftist organization from 1966-1982. They believed in preventing racism against blacks, and that all blacks deserved to be treated equally to whites in society. ( (
  • Armstrong and Aldrin step foot on the Moon

    Armstrong and Aldrin step foot on the Moon
    Armstrong and Aldrin were first Americans on the moon. America proved that its system works the best. Capitalism was proved to work the best on this day/year
  • Hippies From Forrest's perspective

    Hippies From Forrest's perspective
    Hippies helped the soldiers get out of the Vietnam war cause with out them fighting for them at home they would keep fighting a war that we would lose any way. Forrest Gump tries to tell his side of the war but a general unplugged his mic and sabotaged his speech.
  • Forrest goes to china with ping pong diplomacy

    Forrest goes to china with ping pong diplomacy
    Forrest is really good at ping pong and the us uses it as a advantage. The us uses it to have a mutual sport and have mutual respect between us. This also helped tensions between us. (
  • Forrest and the Water Gate Scandal

    Forrest and the Water Gate Scandal
    Forrest sees lights coming from the building across the way. He therefore exposed the water gate scandal. Leading up to when Nixon resigned then later was pardoned by president Ford. (
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    Forrest Gump Vietnam war
  • Forrest invests in Apple

    Forrest invests in Apple
    In the movie Forrest has a shrimping company that makes a lot of money. When him and Lt. Dan get enough money Lt. Dan puts money into a company named Apple. Apple later becomes really famous. (
  • Forrest runs across the united states three times

    Forrest runs across the united states three times
    When Forrest runs across the United States with people it helps them. around this time people started running for awareness. Then the slogan "Sh*t Happens" came along. (
  • John Lennon

    John Lennon
    In the movie Forrest Gump is asked to sit in on a television interview with John Lennon and Dick Carret. John Lennon was an English musician and singer who was one of the founding members of The Beatles. With Beatle Fellow, Paul McCartney, he formed one of the most successful songwriting partnerships of the 20th century.
  • The Outbreak of Aids

    The Outbreak of Aids
    In the movie it is shown there is a new disease going around. Jenny contracts the disease from being with those hippies and doing bad things. In that age AIDS was started and mostly hippies that go sleeping around like Jenny got it.