Forrest gump final project

  • Elvis releases hound dog

    Elvis releases hound dog
    In 1959 Elvis releases his smash single "hound dog" to the masses.
    He was praised for the unusual choreography. in the movie Forrest Gump, it was hinted at that Forrest had inspired the choreography for the song.
  • JFK assanation

    JFK assanation
    John f Kenndy was assassinated in Dallas during a motorcade
    he was assassinated by a man named Lee Harvey Oswald In the movie, Forrest met the president before he was shot when he was part of the American football team
  • The apollo landing

    The apollo landing
    On July 16, 1969, the Apollo 11 carried 2 men to the stars finally landing on the moon 2 months later. Those two men where Neil Armstrong, and Buzz Aldrin. As Lance took that famous first step he spoke those famous words "One small step for man, one large leap for mankind"
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    While nixion was in office he was involved in a scandel concerning the purchase of a piece of property
  • Vietnam war

    Vietnam war
    the end of the Vietnam war Fun fact: the Vietnam war was the very first war to be completely televised, which we soon learned we would regret