
Forrest Gump

  • Forrest hip dancing

    Forrest hip dancing
    Forrest's mother walks in on Forrest dancing in a room while Elvis plays guitar. This is when Forrest really begins moving around more in his leg braces.
  • All-American Team meets President John F. Kennedy

    All-American Team meets President John F. Kennedy
    Forrest and his team meets President JFK. When he goes to the white house, Forrest drinks too many sodas. When he finally gets to talk to the president, all he says is "I gotta pee" .
  • Desegregation of the University of Alabama.

    Desegregation of the University of Alabama.
    Governor George Wallace allows two African American students to enroll in the University of Alabama. We see Forrest Gump in the film trying to see what all the ruckus is about.
  • President Kennedy is assassinated

    President Kennedy is assassinated
    President JFK is assassinated in Dallas, TX. This was mentioned in the movie after Forrest met JFK in person.
  • Forrest enters the Vietnam War

    Forrest enters the Vietnam War
    Forrest graduates college and joins the army. During this war, he show exceptional skill in his endurance and gun crafting skills. He later saves multiple lives of fellow solders, even after being told not to by his superior.
  • Forrest saves the members of his platoon in battle

    Forrest saves the members of his platoon in battle
    Forrest goes back into the line of fire to save his fellow soldiers. While he was ordered against it, Forrest knew not to leave any soldiers behind. He runs back into a war zone and singlehandedly pulls out injured men.
  • Forrest discovers ping-pong

    Forrest discovers ping-pong
    Forrest learns to play ping-pong and entertains veterans with his skill. After getting shot, he spends time in a hospital in Vietnam where he learns how to play table tennis. He later ends up on the All-American team and plays in China.
  • Robbert F. "Bobby" Kennedy assassination

    Robbert F. "Bobby" Kennedy assassination
    Robbert F Kennedy is assassinated.
  • Forrest receives Medal of Honor

    Forrest receives Medal of Honor
    Forrest receives Medal of Honor for saving soldiers in the Vietnam war and meets President Lyndon B. Johnson.
  • Elvis Presley "Hound Dog" realesed

    Elvis Presley "Hound Dog" realesed
    Elvis Presley releases hit song, "Hound Dog". It is now labeled as one of the top selling singles of all time.
  • U.S. lands on the moom

    U.S. lands on the moom
    The United States sends men to the moon for the first time in history.
  • John Lennon releases song "Imagine"

    John Lennon releases song "Imagine"
    After Forrest makes the All- American ping-pong team, He accidentally inspires John Lennon's song "imagine"
  • Forrest goes to China

    Forrest goes to China
    After Forrest makes the All-American ping-pong team, he makes it to China for a tournament.
  • John Lennon’s first appearance on the Dick Cavett Talk Show

    John Lennon’s first appearance on the Dick Cavett Talk Show
    Forrest meets John Lennon for the first time on the show after inspiring the song "imagine"
  • Forrest and Lt. Dan Celebrate New Year’s Eve in New York City

    Forrest and Lt. Dan Celebrate New Year’s Eve in New York City
    Forrest celebrates New Years Eve with Lt. Dan at a party in NYC.
  • Forrest meet President Nixon

    Forrest meet President Nixon
    The All-American Ping pong team was welcomed to the white house to meet Richard Nixon.
  • Birth of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

    Birth of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
    Forrest creates Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. after his best friend, Bubba, dies.
  • Nixon resigns

    Nixon resigns
    Richard Nixon resigns from presidency.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    In the film, this hurricane resulted in a damage to the shrimping industry.
  • Forrest gets the call that his mother is sick

    Forrest gets the call that his mother is sick
    His mother dies from cancer, and he turns over his shrimping business to Lieutenant Dan.
  • Forrest starts running

    Forrest starts running
    Forrest runs for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours.
  • Lt. Dan could have invested Forrest's money in Apple Computer

    Lt. Dan could have invested Forrest's money in Apple Computer
    Money from the shrimping business was invested into "some sort of fruit company" which could have been apple inc.
  • Outbreak of AIDS

    Outbreak of AIDS
    The first AIDS case in the United States to be recognized at the time, is reported to the Center for Disease Control
  • Forrest receives Jenny's letter

    Forrest receives Jenny's letter
    Forrest finally receives a letter back from Jenny.
  • Jenny dies

    Jenny dies
    Jenny passes away from AIDS/HIV after relapsing and sharing a needle.
  • Forrest stops running

    Forrest stops running
    After three years of running and a large news following, he suddenly stops, says he's tired, and goes home.
  • George Wallace was shot

    George Wallace was shot
    George Wallace was shot.