Forrest Gump

  • Forrest Hip Dancing With Elvis

    Forrest Hip Dancing With Elvis
    When explaining his life story, Forrest described a guest who stayed at his house when he was a kid (Elvis Presley). One time, Forrest danced to the music being played - the same dance ended up becoming Elvis Presley's signature move.
  • Elvis Presley “Hound Dog” released

    Elvis Presley “Hound Dog” released
    Although there have been multiple releases of "Hound Dog" by many different artists, Elvis Presley's release of the song become number 19 on Rolling Stone magazine's top 500 greatest songs. - Also the song Forrest and his mom saw Elvis singing and dancing to on the TV in the window.
  • 1963 All-American Team meets President John F. Kennedy

    1963 All-American Team meets President John F. Kennedy
    In the movie, Forrest and the rest of the All American Team meets President John F. Kennedy, and is given awards - also the time when Forrest drinks a lot of Dr.Pepper
  • Desegregation of the University of Alabama

    Desegregation of the University of Alabama
    President John F. Kennedy federalized National Guard troops and deployed them to the University of Alabama to force its desegregation on June 10 of 1963; and the next day, George Wallace (Alabama Governor) ends his blockade at Alabama State University and allows two African American students to attend. - This was the time in Forrest Gump when Forrest tried to help one of the students who dropped her book.
  • President Kennedy Was Assassinated

    President Kennedy Was Assassinated
    As President John F. Kennedy was driving through Dallas, Texas, with his wife, Jaqueline Kennedy for a campaign visit. As the Kennedys are driving through the streets of Dallas, shots were fired. Kennedy got shot in the neck and head, and was rushed to the hospital; he was pronounced dead at the hospital.
  • Forrest Enters the Vietnam War

    Forrest Enters the Vietnam War
    Once Forrest found Jenny, said bye to her, and was able to say bye to his mom, he left to go to Vietnam with his friend Bubba. This is where they met Lieutenant Dan Taylor.
  • Forrest Saves The Members of His Platoon In Battle

    Forrest Saves The Members of His Platoon In Battle
    On the day Forrest described as "someone finally turning off the rain", was also the day that his platoon starting getting attacked. Forrest remembered what Jenny told him before he left, and started running. After running till he was alone, he went back in search of Bubba, but found many other members of his platoon injured. Forrest began to carry each member to safety one after the other. - Lt. Dan Taylor was not happy about being saved, and unfortunately, Bubba didn't survive.
  • Forrest Discovers Ping-Pong

    Forrest Discovers Ping-Pong
    While recovering from the gunshot wound to his butt, Forrest learns how to play ping-pong from the other injured soldiers recovering in Vietnam.
  • Date Robert F. “Bobby” Kennedy Was Assassinated

    Date Robert F. “Bobby” Kennedy Was Assassinated
    Robert F. "Bobby" Kennedy was shot at the Ambassador Hotel in LA, after winning the California Presidential Primary (June 5, 1968). He was shot multiple times, and pronounced dead the next day.
  • Forrest Receives Medal of Honor and Meets President Lyndon B. Johnson

    Forrest Receives Medal of Honor and Meets President Lyndon B. Johnson
    Forrest receive ed the Medal of Honor for his actions in the Vietnam war. When President Lyndon B. Johnson asked where Forrest was shot, Forrest says hit butt, and shows President Johnson.
  • United States Lands On The Moon

    United States Lands On The Moon
    Apollo 11 was the first crewed mission to land on the moon. Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were the ones to take their first steps on the moon and put the American Flag on the moon.
  • Forrest Goes to China

    Forrest Goes to China
    Forrest Gump was sent to China to play Ping-Pong on the All American Ping Pong Team as part of the ping-pong diplomacy program.
  • John Lenon’s first appearance on the Dick Cavett Talk Show

    John Lenon’s first appearance on the Dick Cavett Talk Show
    Forrest had just returned from his trip to China, and went on the Dick Cavett Talk Show to share his experience. Along with him, was John Lenon. While explaining his experience in China, Forrest accidentally inspires Lennon's song "Imagine".
  • John Lennon’s song, “Imagine” is released

    John Lennon’s song, “Imagine” is released
    "Imagine" was released in October of 1971, and became #3 on the Billboard Hot 100.
  • Date Forrest and Lt. Dan Celebrate New Year’s Eve in New York City

    Date Forrest and Lt. Dan Celebrate New Year’s Eve in New York City
    While still in New York, Forrest runs into Lt. Dan Taylor, who is in a wheel chair, has much longer hair, and has a very negative attitude. Lt. Dan and Forrest end up going to a bar where they meet two women. When they take the women home, things don't work out so well, and Lt. Dan and Forrest are stuck alone with each other.
  • George Wallace was shot

    George Wallace was shot
    George Wallace was shot five times while campaigning at the Laurel Shopping Center in Laurel, Maryland - time when he was receiving high ratings in national opinion polls. -
  • Forrest Meets President Nixon

    Forrest Meets President Nixon
    On a trip to the White House for the Ping-Pong Team, Forrest met President Nixon, where Nixon offered Forrest a room at the Watergate Hotel. - This is the same day Forrest saw men with flashlights at the hotel, which led to the Watergate break in scandal being reported.
  • Birth of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.

    Birth of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co.
    Forrest got a Shrimping Boat, in memory of the shrimping company him and Bubba were going to have if they both made it out of the war. Although the company was in memory of Bubba, Forest named the boat Jenny. Later on Lt.Dan ended up helping out.
  • Nixon’s Resignation

    Nixon’s Resignation
    Due to the Watergate Scandal, President Nixon gave a speech from the Oval Office, announcing his resignation.
  • Hurricane Carmen struck Louisiana

    Hurricane Carmen struck Louisiana
    Hurricane Carmen was a category 4 hurricane. In the movie, Forrest and Lt. Dan were trying to catch shrimp when it hit. Forrest was trying to control the boat, while Dan was screaming and having the time of his life at the top. Hurricane Carmen ended up wiping out all shrimping boats, but the Jenny.
  • Forrest Gets the Call that his Mother is Sick (date of attempted assassination of President Ford)

     Forrest Gets the Call that his Mother is Sick (date of attempted assassination of President Ford)
    While Forest and Lt.Dan were on their boat watching the news of the attempted assassination of President Ford, Forrest gets a call of his mother being sick, and immediately jumps off his boat, swims to the docks, and runs home.
  • Lieutenant Dan could have invested Forrest's money in Apple Computer

    Lieutenant Dan could have invested Forrest's money in Apple Computer
    Lt. Dan invested a portion of the profits from the Bubba Gump Shrimp Company into "some fruit company", as Forrest calls it. This company was Apple Computer, Inc., during the time of its startup. It is implied that Lieutenant Dan's investment is majorly responsible for Apple's future success.
  • Forrest Starts Running

    Forrest Starts Running
    After Jenny broke Forrest's heart again by leaving, Forrest just starts running. Forrest runs form his home in Alabama, to the California coast, then back across America to the Atlantic.
  • Forrest Stopped Running

    Forrest Stopped Running
    Forrest running became famous, but after 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 6 hours, Forrest finally stopped running, and decided to go home.
  • First Known Outbreak of AIDS

    First Known Outbreak of AIDS
    San Francisco resident, Ken Horne is reported to the Center for Disease Control. Later in 1981, the CDC would retroactively identify him as the first patient of the AIDS epidemic in the US.
  • Forrest receives Jenny’s letter (same day President Reagan gets shot)

    Forrest receives Jenny’s letter (same day President Reagan gets shot)
    After not hearing from Jenny since their night together, Forrest gets a letter from her, telling him to come see her. When he sees her, he finds out he is a father. He also finds out Jenny is sick, but starts a life with her back home.
  • Jenny Dies

    Jenny Dies
    After getting married to Forrest, Jenny dies of an unknown virus (AIDS) and leaves forrest to raise their son.