
Forrest Gump

  • Period: to

    The Gump Period

  • Forest Dancing with Elvis

    Forest Dancing with Elvis
    While some man (Elvis) was staying with forest and his mom, forest liked the guitar and liked to dance while Elvis played the guitar.
  • Hound Dog released

    Hound Dog released
    Elvis released his hit album Hound Dog with which showed him on tv dancing like he saw forest dance.
  • 1963 All-American Team meets President John F. Kennedy

    1963 All-American Team meets President John F. Kennedy
    Forest and the All American team were invited to the white house to meet the current president John F. Kennedy
  • Desegregation of the University of Alabama

    Desegregation of the University of Alabama
    This was the day governor George Wallace allowed two African American students to enroll in the University of Alabama
  • John F. Kennedy's Assassination

    John F. Kennedy's Assassination
    The day the John F Kennedy was assassinated
  • Forrest Goes to Vietnam

    Forrest Goes to Vietnam
    This was the day that forest and Bubba got deployed to Vietnam
  • Forrest saves his platoon members

    Forrest saves his platoon members
    When it stopped raining Forrest's platoon started taking on heavy fire from the viet cong
  • Forest Discovers Ping pong

    Forest Discovers Ping pong
    After being rescued and sent to a hospital, Forrest learns how to play ping pong
  • Forest recives medal of honor

    Forest recives medal of honor
    This was the day that Forrest received the medal of honor from Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated

    Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated
    This was the day that Robert F Kennedy (Bobby) was assassinated in the Health Good Samaritan Hospital in LA California
  • America Lands on the moon

    America Lands on the moon
    This is the day when the US first successfully landed on the moon
  • Imagine

    This is the year when John lennon released his song "imagine"
  • Forest goes to China

    Forest goes to China
    This is the day that Forrest when to China to play table tennis for the U.S military and steady relations between the U.S and China
  • The Dick Cavett show

    The Dick Cavett show
    This is the day that John Lennon first appeared on the Dick Cavett show
  • Forrest and Lt. Dan Celebrate New years

    Forrest and Lt. Dan Celebrate New years
    Forrest and Lt. dan celebrate new years in New York City
  • Watergate break in

    Watergate break in
    The day Forrest met president nixon, nixon had forrest and his all american team stay at the watergate hotel
  • Birth of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Corporation

    Birth of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Corporation
    Forest started the Bubba Gump Shrimp Corporation with Lutenin Dan
  • Nixon Resigns

    Nixon Resigns
    This is the day that Nixon resigned (after the watergate scandal)
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen
    This is the date that hurricane Carmen struck the coast of Louisiana
  • Mom is sick

    Mom is sick
    This is the day that ford gets a call saying that his mom is sick with a disease also the day of the attempted assassination on president Ford
  • Forest Invests in apple

    Forest Invests in apple
    Lt. Dan invested 100,000 dollars into apple stock for Forest which comes out to about 48.6 billion dollars today
  • Forest started running

    Forest started running
    The day that president Carter collapses of heat exhaustion forest started running. Why? He just felt like running
  • The year Forest stopped running

    The year Forest stopped running
    Forest said he ran for 3 years 2 months 14 days and 6 hours but he really only ran for a year
  • First case for AIDS in the United states

    First case for AIDS in the United states
    Ken Horne was officially diagnosed with AIDS
  • Reagan was shot

    Reagan was shot
    This is the day that Reagan was shot and wounded
  • Jenny's Death

    Jenny's Death
    Jenny died on a Saturday and forest had her buried under their tree
  • Wallace was shot

    Wallace was shot
    This is the day that wallace was shot and wounded