Forrest Gump

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    Elvis Presely

    A young man who lived with them and played guitar. Later was seen on the TV and was seen as inappropriate.
    Known as the King of Rock. changed culture to be more rebellious.
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    The Vietnam War

    Forrest was in the war and got ambushed in the trees.
    Embodied the idea of containment. Started many counterculture movements.
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    Students for a Democratic Society

    Jenny’s boyfriend is the president of the SDS.
    Activism group that represented the new left.
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    Jenny is a Hippie. Did drugs in California.
    Politically active activists for peace.
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    Met with Forrest on the All-American football team.
    Youngest ever president. Had many plans for civil rights and to help the disadvantaged.
  • Vivian Malone

    Shown via video footage. Wasn't allowed into school because of George Wallace.
    One of two black students to enroll in University of Alabama and the first to graduate from it.
  • JFK's Assassination

    Was shot on the TV in his car.
    Ended JFK’s presidency. Increased national defense for the president. Allowed JFK’s policies to be passed as a form of respect.
  • Stand in the Schoolhouse Door

    George Wallace standing in the door of the University of Alabama.
    Stopped the students from entering during the school year and made them do summer school instead.
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    George Wallace

    Spoke against military dictatorship in the US while in the schoolhouse door. Ran for president and was shot but lived.
    Embodied segregation and was a leader against integration.
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    Awarded Forrest a medal of honor.
    Created the Great society and support for the disadvantaged like Medicare and Medicaid.
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    Anti Vietnam War Movement

    A large group of protestors outside DC.
    Amassed large groups of people. Eventually did stop the war.
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    Black Panthers

    Part of the protestors. Forrest goes to their hideout. Outspoken and very active.
    Was the more aggressive side of the civil war movement who took power in their own hands rather than wait for legislation.
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    Abbie Hoffman

    Spoke in front of protestors. Cursed often.
    Very influential speaker. Icon of the anti-Vietnam and counterculture movement.
  • RFK's Assassination

    Was shot on the TV in a hotel.
    Removed the possibility of him becoming president after winning the California primary.
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    Forrest was sent to play pingpong to make peace with china.
    Eased tensions between the US and the soviets and China. Achieved during Nixon’s presidency.
  • Moon Landing

    Moon landing on the TV.
    Signified the end of space race as a win for the US
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    Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Played ping pong against China on the all-American team.
    Opened relationships between the US and China
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    Watergate Scandal

    People are seen looking through an office building at night with flashlights then Nixon resigns on TV.
    This caused Nixon to resign and greatly decreased trust in the government.
  • Hurricane Carmen

    Hurricane Carmen destroys the other boats while Forrest’s boat remains.
    One of the most intense hurricanes for that time causing over $160 million in damage.

    Jenny has AIDS and dies.
    Killed 100,000 people in the 80s.