Former Soviet Union

By KaydenW
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    The Rise of the Soviet Union

    -The soviet union had roots in Russia since 1917, while they were officially the soviet union in 1922.
    -Lenin was the founder of the soviet union and a leader of the Bolshevik party. Leon Trotsky was a key figure in the October Revolution and founder of the Red Army.
    -Under Tsar Nicolas II, the Russian empire was slow in industrializing which increased discontent and dissent among the lower class citizens, lead to the revolution.
    -The Russian Revolution caused leader Nicolas II to step down.
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    The Bolshevik Revolution

    -An event that overthrew the imperial government and placed the Bolsheviks in power
    -The notable Bolshevik leaders were Lenin and Trotsky
    -Made Russia become the first nation with a communist economic system
    -Happened because the soviet union wanted to overthrow the provisional government. They replaced the provisional government with a soviet socialist republic under Lenin's leadership.
    -Set the roots for the rise of the soviet union.
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    The Arms Race

    -Was a competition between different nations for superior weapons, especially between the US and Soviet Union.
    -A couple notable events during this race were the atomic bombs dropping on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. This directly led to the US and Soviet union trying to have more warheads than the other nations.
    -Led to treaties being signed to manage the rivalry and manage risk of nuclear warfare.
    -Increased hostilities between the national powers.
    -Caused military growth across Europe and America.
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    The Cold War

    -The Soviet Union vs The United States
    -Soviet union wanted to spread communism, while the US wanted to spread democracy.
    -The war lead to military alliances such as Nato
    -Created proxy wars in Africa and Asia
    -Disrupted the power balance in soverign countries
    -Led to many technological advancements in military powers and space technologies.
    -Created the Arms and Space race.
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    The Space Race

    -Was a competition during the Cold War between Russia and the U.S to achieve superior spaceflight compatibility
    -Directly related to the moon race to get someone on the moon first
    -Brough pioneering of artificial satellites, robotic space probes, and human spaceflight
    -Enabled by technologies made during the Arms race to produce rockets
    -Led to first living being space, first human to spend a day in space, and the first object landing on the moon
    -Achievements during this time marked by firsts
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    The Fall of the Soviet Union

    -Caused by several events, such as the soviet union overextending their military
    -Bushe urged Gorbachev to change the USSR system to a democracy
    -Gorbachev made the decision to allow a voting system in the Soviet Union
    -This decision slowly led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union
    -Led to 15 constituent republics gaining full independence in 1991 (Including Ukraine)
  • Ukrainian Independence

    -Ukraine was one of the founding republics of the USSR in 1922
    -The Ukrainian declaration of independence was adopted by the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian SSR on August 24, 1991
    -Ukraine officially became independent on December 1st, 1991
    -This independence was officially recognized by nations like the United States and Canada, as well as Russia on December 2nd, 1991
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    Putin and the early 2000s

    -Putin took over when Yeltsin resigned in December of 1999, he was officially reelected for a full term just a few months later
    -He improved the economy of Russia, as well as increased the living standards
    -Was again reelected for another term in 2004 with a shocking 74% vote
    -Has been criticized for alleged mishandling of the Kursk submarine disaster
    -Putin is basically a dictator in modern-day Russia
  • Russia Annexes Crimea

    -Russia invaded the Crimea Peninsula, which was a part of Ukraine
    -Once Russia had control, they decided to Annex Crimea
    -This was the first act that started the Russo-Ukraine war
    -A "fun fact" was that when the Crinerean citizens were interviewed, 73.9% of them said that they believed it would be better for them to be a part of Russia
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    Russo-Ukrainian Conflict

    -Started by the invasion of Crimea
    -Russia currently invading Ukraine, a nation that once belonged to them
    -Russia supported pro-Russian separatists fighting the Ukrainian military during the Donbas war
    -So far, 61,000 Ukrainian soldiers have died. Russia has lost about 300,000.