Formative 2 - Chapter 5

  • Capacitors

    Pieter van Musschenbroek is responsible for the beginning of capacitor technology since he invented the Leyden jar, which is the primitive form of a capacitor.
  • Discovery of electricity

    Discovery of electricity
    Kite-flying experiments by Benjamin Franklin
    Although electricity was a natural force that has always existed, it still needed studies and understanding of the phenomena so that physics could develop to what it is today. To prove lightning was electricity, he flew a kite during a storm and in the end, it gave him a shock.
  • Conventional current

    Conventional current
    Benjamin Franklin
    After electrical experiments, Franklin collected positive and negative charges and named conventional current as the positive charges moving towards negative charges.
  • Coulomb's Law

    Coulomb's Law
    Charles-Augustin de Coulomb calculated Fe=(kq1q2)/r²
    Coulomb’s law is an experimental law that describes the electrostatic interaction between particles electrically charged.
  • Electric cell

    Electric cell
    Alessandro Volta invented the voltaic pile, considered to be the first electric battery.
  • Magnetic field

    Magnetic field
    Hans Christian Oersted discovered that a current flowing through a wire would affect a compass needle placed next to it, discovering that a current produces a magnetic field.
  • 1st and 2nd Ohm’s Laws

    1st and 2nd Ohm’s Laws
    Georg Simon Ohm calculated both laws.
    Ohm’s first law states that the potential difference applied between its two points is equal to 1 volt;
    Ohm’s second law states that V=IR; means that the potential difference is equal to the product of the current and resistance.
    1st law: The potential difference applied between its two points is equal to 1 volt;
    2nd law: R=ρL/A
  • Inductors

    Michael Faraday discovered inductors with the experiment of wrapping two insulated coils of wire around an iron ring. He found that when one wire had a current passing through it, a momentary current developed through the other wire.
  • 1st and 2nd Kirchhoff's Laws

    1st and 2nd Kirchhoff's Laws
    Gustav Kirchhoff calculated both laws.
    Gustav Kirchhoff’s first law states that the sum currents that enter a junction must be equal to the sum of the currents that leave it (illustration below); Gustav Kirchhoff’s second law states that the sum of potential differences across a loop is zero: V1 + V2 + … = 0
  • Electric field concepts

    Electric field concepts
    Michael Faraday came up with the electric field concepts. An electric field is made through the movement of electric charges, making them behave electrically or magnetically, with repulsion and attraction interactions.
  • Left hand rule

    Left hand rule
    John Ambrose Fleming deduced that, by arranging one’s left hand in a certain manner, it can represent the current, magnetic field and force direction in relation to a wire.
  • Right hand rule

    Right hand rule
    John Ambrose Fleming deduced that, by arranging one’s right hand “holding” the wire with the thumb in the direction of the current, one can infer the direction of the magnetic field.
  • Concept of real current

    Concept of real current
    JJ Thomson discovered the electron and how they move towards protons, not the other way around, making it the real current.
  • Transistors

    William Shockley developed transistors for their use in telecommunication.