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Formation of European Union

  • End of World War II

    End of World War II
  • Start of Cold War

    Start of Cold War
  • Paris Treaty (European Coal and Steel Comunity)

    Paris Treaty (European Coal and Steel Comunity)
    Founding countries: Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Italy and Netherlands.
  • Roma Treatry (European Economic Community) and (European Atomic Energy Community)

    Roma Treatry (European Economic Community) and (European Atomic Energy Community)
    In acronyms is EEC and Euratom
  • Merger Treaty

    Merger Treaty
    The EEC, Euratom and ECSC join in the treaty.
  • New countries join in the European Union

    New countries join in the European Union
    The new countries are: Denmark, Ireland and United Kingdom
  • New countries join in the European Union

    New countries join in the European Union
    The new country is Greece
  • Greenland leaves in the European Communities

    Greenland leaves in the European Communities
  • New countries join in the European Union

    New countries join in the European Union
    The new countries are: Spain and Portugal
  • European Economic Area

    European Economic Area
    A ‘European Economic Area’ stretching from the Arctic to the Mediterranean is created, extending the single market beyond just the EU countries.
  • New countries join in the European Union

    New countries join in the European Union
    The new countries are: Finland, Sweden and Austria
  • Treaty of Amsterdam

    Treaty of Amsterdam
    It prepares the European Union for the arrival of future Member States.
  • The EURO as official current in Europe

    The EURO as official current in Europe
    Euro notes and coins become the legal currency in 12 EU countries. Printing, minting and distributing them is a major logistical operation.