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Forest Gump: Timeline Project

  • Ku Klux Klan (KKK)

    Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
    The KKK was a white supremacy group that was known for its terrorist raids against African Americans and those in support of Black people. The Klan was originally founded in 1867 but was resurrected in the 1950s to terrorize African Americans and supporters of the modern civil rights movement. Klan supporters/members carried out attacks on numerous civil rights workers and volunteers in the South. It would even lead to deadly bombings and shootings on Black people. (Video:)
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    The Vietnam war was a fight between the (communist) North Vietnam and (non-communist) South Vietnam. The war lasted for 20 long years and the United States had entered the war around 1964-65. (Key Concept)- 8.1.II.B - (Video) :
  • University of Alabama: Desegregated

    University of Alabama: Desegregated
    President Kennedy had sent National Troops to the University of Alabama to force its desegregation. Governor Wallace tried to block the entry of 2 African American students(Vivian Malone & James Hood) by standing in front of the auditorium. (key concept): 8.2.I.C- Resistance to desegregation slowed down social and political unrest across the nation. Southern schools would shut down before desegregating. (video):
  • President John F. Kennedy: Assassination

    President John F. Kennedy: Assassination
    The 35th President, John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas Texas while riding in a motorcade through Dealey Plaza. He was known for his support for the Civil Rights Movements, which had led to the reason of his assassination. (Key Concepts) - 8.2.I.C (video) :
  • President Johnson

    President Johnson
    After the death of President Kennedy. Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ) was sworn into presidency. Later on he had set a domestic program in the United States to set a goal to eliminate poverty and racial injustice. (known as The Great Society.) (Key Concepts): 8.2.III.B - Liberal ideas found expression in LBJ's Great Society which then attempted to use federal legislation and programs that would aim to end racial discrimination, poverty, and other social issues. (video):
  • The Black Panther Party

    The Black Panther Party
    The Black Panther Party was an African American political organization that believed in preventing racism against African Americans and that they should be given equal rights and opportunities as the White Americans.They wanted to protect their African American people through violence and peace. (Key Concepts)b- 8.2.III.D (video):
  • Vietnam War Protest: Hippies

    Vietnam War Protest: Hippies
    Thousands of people traveled to Washington, D.C. to protest the war in Vietnam and to bring back the soldiers. They also wanted to promote peace within the nations.The protest was the most dramatic sign of waning U.S. support for President Lyndon Johnson's war in Vietnam. The Hippies slogan was “Make Love, Not War”. (Key Concepts): 8.3.II.B (video):
  • U.S. Moon Landing

    U.S. Moon Landing
    The Moon Landing was the arrival of the spacecraft (Apollo 11) on the surface of the moon. Millions of people gathered around their televisions to watch two American astronauts enter space and land on the moon. The mission was part of the Space Race and it fulfilled the challenge President Kennedy made in 1961 to land a man on the moon and to return him to Earth safely. (Key Concepts)- 8.1.I.B : Tensions between the US and Soviet Countries. (video):
  • President Nixon meets Mao Zedong

    President Nixon meets Mao Zedong
    President Nixon took a step towards normalizing relations with the Communist people’s republic of China. This historic visit to China began the slow process of the re-establishing of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Communist China. No other President had done what he had accomplished to do. (Video) :
  • Watergate Break-In

    Watergate Break-In
    The Watergate break-in was a scandal that was very major in political issues in the United States around the 1970's. United States Republican President, Richard Nixon was tied to the scandal where he had personally ordered the burglary of Democratic headquarters at the Watergate complex. This issue had led to distrust towards Nixon and eventually leading to his resign in office. (Key Concepts)- 8.2.III.E (video):
  • President Nixon Resigns

    President Nixon Resigns
    President Nixon ended his term as 37th President of the United States in 1974. He is best remembered to be the first U.S. President to resign from office. From the Watergate scandal, it gave him a lot of negative attention and costing much of his political support. (video):
  • Aids/HIV Epidemic

    Aids/HIV Epidemic
    The Aids/HIV epidemic was active in the the late 70s-90s. Aid incidents occurred rapidly through the 1980s and peaked in the early 1990s. At the time it was known as a mysterious unknown virus that many were contracting. (Key Concepts): 9.I.B (video):