Forest Gump Timeline

  • Explorer 1 is Launched

    Explorer 1 is Launched
    Explorer 1 was the first U.S. satalite launched. It was only behind the Soviet Union's Sputnik 1 and 2.
  • MLK's I Have a Dream Speech

    MLK's I Have a Dream Speech
    250,000 civil rights activists gathered at the lincoln memorial to listen to Martin Luther King gove his famous I Have a Dream speach. He talked about an end to racism in the United States.
  • Kennedy's Assanation

    Kennedy's Assanation
    Kennedy was shot while driveing in his car through Dallas by Lee Harvey Oswald. Reasons for his assanation are still unknown.
  • Johnson Signs the Civil Rights Act

    Johnson Signs the Civil Rights Act
    Johnson signed the civil rights act bringing about an end to racial and other types of discrimination. Martin Luther King Jr. was at the signing.
  • Thousands Protest the Vietnam war

    Thousands Protest the Vietnam war
    Thousands gathered at Lincoln memorial to protest the war in vietnam. They wanted to get out of the war they thought we had no part in.
  • Martin Luther King Jr. is Assanatied

    Martin Luther King Jr. is Assanatied
    King was shot and killed at Lorraine Motel in Memphis by James Earl Ray. He was later captured in London and was extradited to the United states. He was sentenced to 99 years in prison.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    The Watergate Scandal was a spying opperation by nixon on the democratic party. These events later lead to the impeachment of Nixon.
  • Ford Avoids Assasination

    Ford Avoids Assasination
    Lynette Fromme (a member of the Charles Manson Family Cult) tried to shoot Gereld Ford on the public grounds of Californias Capatil. She was less than a foot from him but her gun missfired. She was scentenced to 34 years in prison. She was released in 2009.
  • President Reagan is Shot

    President Reagan is Shot
    Regan was shot while coming out of Washington Hilton Hotel. He was shot by John Hickley Jr. in efforts to gain the attention of Jodie Foster.
  • Challenger Explodes

    Challenger Explodes
    The space shuttle named challenger exploded 73 seconds into its launch. All the commotion was caused by one faulty O-ring Seal.