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Forest Gump Timeline

  • The Vietnam War 1955

    The Vietnam War 1955
    A long and costly war that was triggered because of the ongoing cold war between the United States and the Soviet Union. In an effort to stop communism by spreading the U.S engaged in the war in support of South Vietnam against communist North Vietnam.
    Key Concept 8.2III- Led to many protests like the hippie movement and created a stronger distrust between the people and its government to confide in making the right decisions.
  • Elvis Presley 1956

    Elvis Presley 1956
    Elvis Presley was one of the greatest revolutions in Rock and Roll history. He was well known for his sexual suggestive dancing called the pelvic thrust and other similar forms of dancing. He was one of the most famous musicians who inspired others through the new era of music
  • President Eisenhower and The Little Rock Nine Crisis 1957

    President Eisenhower and The Little Rock Nine Crisis 1957
    The president placed the Arkansas National Guard under federal control after sending 1,000 troops to restore order in Little Rock Nine after African American students had been enrolled. Key Concept 8.2 I- This incident is extremely important because it showed how much America was still segregated after all discriminatory laws were banished. Governor Orville Faubus refused to integrate schools preventing those kids from receiving their civil rights.
  • Ku Klux Klan 1960

    Ku Klux Klan 1960
    The Ku Klux Klan was a vicious white supremacist group that arose after the first civil war. They experienced another revival during the 1950's and 1960's during the civil rights movement. Key Concepts 8.1 I- The KKK was one of those groups that opposed the governments decision to make America equal. They performed many vicious acts in search of racial hierarchy and superiority.
  • Freedom Riders 1961

    Freedom Riders 1961
    Civil rights activists were rode interstate buses into the southern united states, which at the time was segregated. These riders did this in an effort to challenge the supreme's court non-enforcement of equal opportunity for African Americans. Key Concepts 8.2 II- It showed a revolution and impact other organizations had on those who wanted change. It shows growth as a nation even after all the dreadful KKK attacks on the buses.
  • The Assassination of John F. Kennedy 1963

    The Assassination of John F. Kennedy 1963
    On November 22, 1963 President John Fitzgerald Kennedy was shot at 12:30 while riding in a presidential motorcade through Dealey Plaza. Key Concepts 8.1 II- This is an important event because it shows how desensitized the public was over president Kennedys passing of civil rights legislation. It shows a true seperation between the racists in the country and how badly the discrimination has gotten.
  • The Black Panther Party 1966

    The Black Panther Party 1966
    A political organization founded for self-defense specifically in African American neighborhoods in response to the major police brutality African Americans were facing in this point in time. Key Concept 8.2III- This organization was important because they took matters into their own hands after liberals did not transform the racial and economic status quo of African Americans. They also created free breakfast programs in urban areas.
  • The Hippie Movement 1968

    The Hippie Movement 1968
    A countercultural movement in which the American youth opposed the sending of troops and nuclear weapons to Vietnam. The youth challenged typical American life by promoting a simpler life through drugs and music.
    Key Concept 8.3 III - This movement rejected the values of parents generations through drugs and music. It initiated a sexual revolution and helped shaped American culture through rejecting materialism and being active in civil rights.
  • The Moon Landing 1969

    The Moon Landing 1969
    The arrival of the first American spacecraft to reach the moon after the Soviets Union Luna 2 mission on September 3rd, 1959. Astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Micheal Collins were those included in this mission.
  • The Watergate Scandal 1972

    The Watergate Scandal 1972
    A political scandal in which President Nixon took drastic measures to cover up. This scandal consisted of 5 men breaking into the Democratic National Committee, stealing top secret documents and bugging the offices phones. Key Concept 8.2 III- The Watergate Scandal is important because it created a distrust between the government and the American people. We see this through Nixon's resignation and the demand for governmental knowledge.
  • John Lennon 1978

    John Lennon 1978
    John Lennon was a English musician and singer who is most known for being one of the founding members of The Beatles. The Beatles were an extremely successful group who pursued pop culture. Lennon was known for his rebellious criticism of the Vietnam War.
  • HIV/AIDS Outbreak 1980

    HIV/AIDS Outbreak 1980
    An outbreak that occurred in the 1980's in which an unknown virus began to spread throughout america. The response was very slow during Reagan's administration because the virus was not yet fully understood.