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Forest Gump Timeline

By ikiven
  • The KKK

    The KKK
    The KKK is a white supremacist group that killed blacks by lynching them or burning down their houses. It gave fear to many blacks being involved in politics because of these violent acts.
  • Elvis Presley

    Elvis Presley
    The King of Rock and Roll who created a cultural impact in the 1950s. Influenced by African-American music, he brought rock and roll to the teens. Teens were influenced by him by spending their allowance money on his music and his style.
  • President John F. Kennedy

    President John F. Kennedy
    The 35th president of the United States of America. Had a high success with dealing with the Cold War. He was able to handle relations between the U.S and the communist states(Soviet Union). One of the most highly approved by the people, assassinated on November 22, 1963.
  • Stand in the Schoolhouse Door

    Stand in the Schoolhouse Door
    Governor George Wallace stood at the door to block two black students from getting in the auditorium to register for the University of Alabama. He did this to keep his promise to keep segregation between blacks and whites during his inaugural address.
  • Vietnam War

    Vietnam War
    A war between the communist north Vietnam versus the south supported by American troops. Too many Americans were killed during this war without any valid reason leading to protests against this war.
  • Hippie counter-culture

    Hippie counter-culture
    A counter culture of people that went against the social tensions in the 1960s. These people called hippies usually had long hair/afros, revealing clothing, and and often wore tie-dyed T-shirts and denim.
  • Black Panther Party

    Black Panther Party
    A political group promoting black power. During the 1960s they were the most influential group through their violent protests.
  • Anti-War Rally

    Anti-War Rally
    500,000 people marched in Washington DC to protest U.S involvement in Vietnam. John Lennon preformed "Give Peace A Chance" and protesters marched around Washington showing a dead American solider or a destroyed Vietnamese village.
  • Ping Pong Diplomacy

    Ping Pong Diplomacy
    Table tennis matches were held between the U.S and China. This bettered the relations between China and the U.S, lifting the embargo on China as well as having Nixon be able to visit China.
  • John Lennon

    John Lennon
    A member of the Beetles a band who greatly influenced the rock and roll era. Their music influenced the counterculture and John was a
    big supporter of the anti-Vietnam War movement.
  • Watergate Scandal

    Watergate Scandal
    Nixon sent 5 men to break into the Watergate Office in order to win the next election. This abuse of power lead to Nixon to resigned before becoming impeached.
  • AIDS Outbreak

    AIDS Outbreak
    An outbreak of AIDS a disease that stops the body from preventing infections. 121 people were killed by the end of 1981.