Period: to
Neil Thaker
Vietnam War
The Vietnam war started because north Vietnam wanted to restore cimmunism on Vietnam. This was intentionally a civil war but in June of 1965 America decided to join the war to contain communism so it doest spread. They believed in the domino theory. Vietnam used a tctic called guerilla warfare and since they had homecour advantages they knew the land and planted a lot of traps. the war ended April 30, 1775 and vietnam is still a communist country Chapter 29 Vietnam War era section 1 -
Integration of University of Alabma
On May 16, 1963 the federal court of Alabama ordered the University of Alabma to let African American students Vivien Malone and James Hood to get an education in the summer. Govoner Wallace was standing in front of the door blocking the entrance of the students until he was moved aside by the National guard -
Assassination of JFK
John F. Kennedy was 46 when he got assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald, Kennedy was on Dallas Texas at that time where he was preparing for his next presidentail campain. After noon he was in his was passing through the Dealy Plaza where he was assassinated at 12:30 p.m.
Chapter 28 Kennedy and Johnson years section 2 -
Creation of Nike
Nike was originally called Blue Ribbon Sports founded by Bill Bowerman and Phil Knight at the University of Oregon. Blue Ribbon Sports officially became Nike on May 30, 1971. Nike got its name from the greek goddess Nike which meant victory.Nike started off by making running shoes and it expanded from there. Nike got their logo from Carolyn Davidson a graphic designer. Knight didn't like it at first but he got use to it and he paid her $35. Now it is the official trademark of Nike -
Black Panther Party
The Black Panther party is a organization founded in Oakland California by Huey p. Newton and Bobby Seale. the black pathers are militants that protect villiges and towns from the U,S government using guerrilla warfare tactics. Chapter 27 Civil Rights Movement section 3 -
Assassination of Bobby Kennedy
Robert Kennedy was 43 when he got assassinated. Robert was a politician from Massachusetts and served as a senator in New York. Robert kennedy was running to be president in 1968 and was in Los Angeles California presenting his campaign. it was just after midnight when Robert Keneddy was shot many time by palestinian Sirhan Sirhan -
Moon Landing
The first humans on the moon was Neil Armstron and Buzz Aldrin from the spacecraft Apollo 11, they were the first to step on a lunar surface. the third member Michael Collins was the pilot of Apollo 11. The ship was launched from Kennedy space center in Meritt Island Florida. -
Anti-Vietnam war protest D.C.
Over 250,000 people protest in Washington D.C. to protest the war in vietnam, 50,000 people march the pentagon to end the wr in Vietanm. this antiwar protest was to be the largest prostes in the history of the United States. the protes included soeeches from antiwar politicians Eugene McCarthy, George McGovern and Charles Goodell. the New Times described the protest as "predominantly youthful" -
Ping Pong Diplomacy
The ping pong diplomacy improved the relationship between China and the United States. American ping pong player Tim Boggan and his ping pong team were invited to china to play but lost the exhibition matches. This allowed trade with china and Richar Nixon was the first president to travel to and visit China -
Attempted assassination of Governor Wallace
After the assassination of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy govoner George Wallace of Alabama if on the edge so he takes extra precaution on his safety. he always stayed behind bullet proof glass when he gave his speeches. But George Wallace got shot a a close range four times when he was in Maryland for the Democratic presidential primary. Wallace was paralyzed from the waist down. -
Watergate Scandal
The watergate scandal was the biggest scandal in history. there were burglars breaking in the democratic national comitee office where they left istenign devices but were caught and arrested. the burglars were connected to Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon new about it and was also in on it, he paid the burglars, he called it "Hush Money". On August 9th Richard Nixon made a resignation speech -
Creation of Apple
Apple was founded by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak, and Ronald Wayne. The first apple computer was hand built by Wozniak the co-founder of apple, this was built in Steve Jobs parents garage. the first apple computer came as a do it yourself kit and it sold for $666. on January 24, 1984 Steve Jobs introduced macintosh. Macintosh was the first computer with a visual image that was also affordable.