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Forrest Forest Gump

  • Gump is alve

    Gump is alve
    His mother named Forrest after their ancestor Nathan Bedford Forrest, a Scotch-Irish American and a noted Confederate general in the American Civil War and the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan.
  • met elvis

    met elvis
    Gump met elves before he became popular. he met the king of rock at a young age.
  • Govener wallace for prez

    Govener wallace for prez
    Governor wallace ran as prez and gump met him at alabama. and he did not win.
  • JFK assassination

    JFK assassination
    Gump watch the prez of the U.S. get assassinated. After he met him at the wight house. For being to good or bad depending who you are.
  • Nom Draft

    Nom Draft
    Him and bubba were drafted for vietnam and where in the army. They fought for freedom in vetnom
  • the Blackpanthers

    the Blackpanthers
    This was the = opposite of the KKK killing wight and and other colores
  • ping pong

    ping pong
    Gump play ping pong for ronald ragon on a temm profosinaly
  • ping pong in china

    ping pong in china
    gump play ping pong profesional and for Sam. This relates to when the president went to china and played Ping Pong .
  • watergate scandal

    watergate scandal
    Reagan tried to record the other party and got caught.
  • apple created

    apple created
    he invested in the apple company when it started
  • John Lennon shot

    John Lennon shot
    he was shot by a crazed fan and thats whats up he was killt
  • Atmpted to kill Ragon

    Atmpted to kill Ragon
    Ragon was shot on and lucky was not killed another person took his shot
  • Crack is back

    Crack is back
    crack was used a lot in that time and it was revived in the 1980s