
Foresight Planning

  • Carlos Demetrio Rodríguez Lagunes A01654211

    Carlos Demetrio Rodríguez Lagunes A01654211
  • Bertrand de Jouvenel

    Bertrand de Jouvenel
    "Building the Future" was a philosphy based on seeing the future as "a realm of freedom, power and will" (de Jouvenel 2004, p. 10)
  • Herman Kahn

    Herman Kahn
    Kahn used scenarios to investigate strategies engaging the Soviet Unione during the cold war. (“Strategic Foresight: History of Scenario Planning,” 2017)
  • Oil refinery

    Oil refinery
    While running an Oil company, strategic planning was used to know better when to open a new refinery or add more oil storages due to the growth in those days.
  • Period: to

    Shell & General Electric use of scenario planning

    During this period scenario planning, scenario planning was used by Shell and General Electric to define future consumer markets in that decade. (Millett 2017)
  • South Africa

    South Africa
    South Africa hired an RDS team to help them envision the future of RSA post-apartheid. The team reverse engineered the future state with interest from both sides.
  • PepsiCo

    In 2010, Christian Crews and Ted Farrington led an 18-month futures study for PepsiCo to better understand the drivers of consumer's food and beverage choices in 2020. (“Strategic Foresight: History of Scenario Planning,” 2017)
  • Singapore and the future of foresighting

    Singapore and the future of foresighting
    There are now lots of centers, offices and units in government departments dedicated to future and foresight, scanning and anticipation.

  • Foresighting 2022

    Foresighting 2022
    Nowadays Foresighting needs to be used to determine future scenarios taking into account the outcome of the worldwide pandemic.