Forensics Timeline

  • 1248 BCE

    Thirteenth Century China

    Thirteenth Century China
    The first case ever recorded using forensics science, printed in 1247, is the oldest extant book on forensic medicine in the world.
  • Mathieu Orfila

    Mathieu Orfila
    He is considered the father of criminal identification because in 1840, Marie Lafarge was tried for the murder of her husband using arsenic and the marsh test was wrong and there was arsenic in the body.
  • William Herschel

    William Herschel
    Herschel experimented with fingerprints and overtime realized that a person's fingerprints never change. He explained and they are now used for legal documents.
  • Alphonse Bertillon

    Alphonse Bertillon
    A police officer, created an identification system based off of measurements.
  • Henry Faulds

    Henry Faulds
    Helped the fingerprints system develop.
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

    Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
    Known for his detective fiction, the character Sherlock Holmes, wrote almost 60 short stories about his character.
  • Francis Galton

    Francis Galton
    He was the first to study fingerprints in a criminal investigation, and would publish fingerprints.
  • Hans Gross

    Hans Gross
    He was first to publish criminal investigation and write a paper about scientific principles.
  • Karl Landsteiner

    Karl Landsteiner
    Landsteiner discovered type ABO blood.
  • Edmond Locard

    Edmond Locard
    Incorporated Gross principles within a workable crime lab, became the founder and director of the institute of criminalistics at the university of lyons, France.
  • Albert S. Osborn

    Albert S. Osborn
    Published questioned documents. Developed the fundamental principles of document examination.
  • Leone Lattes

    Leone Lattes
    Developed a method for determining blood type from dried blood.
  • August Vollmer

    August Vollmer
    Established the first crime lab in the united states, located in Los Angeles.
  • Calvin Goddard

    Calvin Goddard
    Developed a comparison microscope, first used it to compare bullets to see if fired from the same weapon.