Forensics Timeline

  • Karl Landsteiner

    Karl Landsteiner
    He discovered human blood groups and got the Nobel Prize award for it in 1930. picture--
  • Paul Uhlenhuth

    He was a German immunologists that created the precipiten test for species.
  • Henry P Deforrest

    Henry P Deforrest
    The first man to use finger prints systematically in the United States.
  • Professor R.A. Reiss

    He was one of the first to set up a forensic science class at the University of Lausanna.
  • New York State Prison

    Began the systematic use of fingerprints in the U.S. for criminal identification.
  • Georg Popp

    The first to use geologic evidence in a criminal case.
  • Oskar and Rudolf Adler

    They developed a test for blood based on benzidine.
  • Locard

    Published L'enquete criminelle et les methodes scientifique. Gave a rise to forensic precept that "Every contact leaves a trace."
  • Theodore Roosevelt

    Federal Bureau of Investigation was established.
  • Georg Popp

    Established forensic geology with the Margarethe Filbert case.
  • Victor Balthazard

    Was a professor of forensic medicine published the first hair study.
  • Edmund Locard

    Was the first to establish a police crime laboratory.
  • Masaeo Takayma

    Developed a microscopic crystal test for hemoglobin
  • Victor Balthazard

    Published the first article about individualizing bullet markings.
  • J.J. Thomson

    Built the first mass spectrometer that is known as the hyperbola spectrograh