Forensic Time line

  • Valentin Ross

    Valentin Ross
    Valentin Ross was a German chemist who developed a method of isolating arsenic in a victim's stomach, which advanced the investigation skills of death by poison.
  • Juan Vucetich

    Juan Vucetich
    He was an Argentinean police officer who was the first person to use fingerprints as evidence in a murder investigation.He created a system of fingerprint identification called dactyloscopy.
  • Blood Marker

    Blood Marker
    Human blood grouping (Type-A, Type-B, Type-O) was discovered by Karl Landsteiner and later adapted for forensic use on bloodstains by Dieter by Max Richter. It is a laboratory analysis performed on a blood sample that is usually extracted from a vein in the arm using a hypodermic needle.
  • John Larson

    John Larson
    John Larson was a police officer for Berkeley, California. He is the one who originally invented the polygraph test that is used in forensic investigation. He was the first police officer to have an academic doctorate.
  • The Polygraph Test

    The Polygraph Test
    A prototype polygraph machine is developed to be used at police stations. It is a device or procedure that measures and records several physiological indicators such as blood pressure, pulse, respiration, snd skin conductivity while a person is asked and answers a series of questions. It was originally invented by John Larson.
  • Luminol

    Luminol was developed by a German chemist H.O Albrecht, the chemical was shown to bond with iron in human blood. It was first used in 1937 by Walter Specht at crime scenes to find traces of blood.
  • Sound Spectrograph

    Sound Spectrograph
    The sound spectrograph was discovered to be able to record voices. Voiceprints began to be used in investigations and as court evidence from recordings of phones, answering machines, and tape recorders.
  • Spectrophotometer

    They use spectrometers in laboratories to help detect latent fingerprints on evidence or at crime scenes. They do this by using infrared radiation and more commonly visible lights to ascertain light transmission, absorption, and reflective properties of any form of tiny materials.
  • OJ Simpson

    OJ Simpson
    It was OJ simpson vs. the state of California. He was trialed for the murders of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald "Ron" Goldman. The crime scene had been tampered with causing the trial to not be fair. People also planted evidence that wasn't there to put something against him. This case became revolutionary because of this. It is an example of how not to handle a crime scene or case.

    IAFIS stands for integrated automated fingerprint identification system. It was developed to help cut down fingerprint inquiry response from an average time of two weeks to roughly two hours.
  • Facial Match System

    Facial Match System
    Michigan State University develops software that automatically matches hand-drawn facial sketches to mug shots stored in databases. Which is the facial match system. CSIS facial recognition test have nearly absolute precision in ideal conditions, reaching a 99.97% recognition accuracy level.
  • Dental Match System

    Dental Match System
    Japanese researchers develop a dental x-ray matching system. This system can automatically match dental x-ray in a database, and makes a positive match in less than 4 seconds.