A group of japanese kamik 001

Foreign: Why Japanese Suicide Rates are so High

  • The Silent Killer

    The Silent Killer
    Beginning in 2014 it was discovered that around 25,000 Japanese people had killed themeselves the year befor...that is an average of 70 per day. (Why Japnanese Suicide is so high 2014). Why? This is one of the highest suicide rates in the world. It is around 3 times the United Kingdom
  • Does Old=Suicide?

    Does Old=Suicide?
    An old man boarded a heavily populated train and douced himself in gasoline and set himself on fire. He told others to stay away because it was dangerous. (Why Japanese suicide so high 2014) Why? We found out that this old man had lived alone and had no job. He was poor, old, and alone which caused his suicide.
  • Modern Day Neglect

    Modern Day Neglect
    Many Japanese parents are taking care of themselves in their old age. Children used to be caregivers to their parents, but not anymore. Due to lack of Christianity, these people do not view suicide as a sin. (Japantimes.com 2014) Why? Older people in Japan are feeling like a burden emotionally and financially and so they view their death a heroic and a way for insurance to 'pay out'
  • Lack of Mental Health Help

    Lack of Mental Health Help
    Japan's mental health care is a mess. Men ages 20 to 44 who have given up hope have no way of getting help: or at least professional help. (Why Japanese Suicide so High 2014) Why? Japan's mental health help is random people who decide they want to be counselors. They have no professional training which makes it hard to get help.
  • Help is On the Way

    Help is On the Way
    The International Meical Corps is trying to help set up a functioning mental health help program in many places...including Japan. (internationalmedicalcorps.org) Why? With actual help, Japan's suicide rates may decline and those who need professional help will have the access to it.