Hainan Island Incident
During the flight of an American Naval flight, the collided mid-air with a Chinese J-8II interceptor fighter jet. After the collision, the Americans were forced to make an emergency landing on the island. When they landed the 24 people on board the plane were detained and got asked many questions by the Chinese. Later on during the investigation, the naval engineers said the plane could be repaired in 8-12 months but the chinese wouldnt let them take the aircraft -
An event of four terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group al-Qaeda on the United States on September 11, 2001. The attacks killed 2,996 people and injured over 6,000 others. Two of the planes were crashed into the North and South towers of the world trade centers. Another plane was highjacked and crashed into the Pentagon. The last plane was taken back over by the passengers and crashed into a field, which was believed to be headed to the the White house. -
Operation Enduring Freedom - Afghanistan
President Bush announces that US and British forces have begun airstrikes on Taliban and al Qaeda targets in Afghanistan. Airstrikes continue for five days. October 7th, 2001. A group of US Forces raid a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. In the result of a firefight, Osama bin Laden is killed. May 2nd, 2011. -
Bush Doctrine
The Bush Doctrine was created to indicate a willingness to pursue U.S. military interests. The phrase "Bush Doctrine" was rarely used by members of the Bush administration. The expression was used at least once, though, by Vice President Dick Cheney, in a June 2003 speech in which he said, "If there is anyone in the world today who doubts the seriousness of the Bush Doctrine, I would urge that person to consider the fate of the Taliban in Afghanistan, and of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq." -
Operation Iraqi Freedom
The 2003 invasion of Iraq lasted from March 20-May 1, 2003, and signaled the start of the Iraq War. The invasion of Iraq had 21 days of major combat operations, where troops from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Poland all went together and invaded Iraq.Their main goal in invading Iraq was to eliminate the Ba'athist government under the rule of Saddam Hussein. About 130,000 soldiers were sent from the US approximately 28,000 British, 2000 Australian, and 200 polish soldiers. -
Drone Attacks on Pakistan
The series of unmanned drone attacks in Pakistan started in 2004 and they are still going on today. The attacks are being run by the CIA's Special Activities Division. These strikes started under George W. Bush and then later picked up more heavily by the Obama administration. These attacks are very disliked by the Pakistani people, giving the U.S. a bad reputation in Pakistan. Leaked military documents reveal that the intended targets are only killed 13% of the time. -
George W. Bush signs The United States-India Peaceful Atomic Energy Cooperation Act
An agreed statement made by the Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at the time and U.S. President George W. Bush, which India agreed to separate its civil and military nuclear facilities and to place all them under the care of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). In return, the United States agreed to work toward full nuclear cooperation with India. -
President Barack Obama lifts all travel restrictions
In late 2009 Obama had ended a 22-year ban on travel to the United States. With the ban being lifted now allowed people who had been previously diagnosed with aids could now travel. Obama had stated in his proclimation to end the ban that “If we want to be a global leader in combating H.I.V./AIDS, we need to act like it. Now, we talk about reducing the stigma of this disease, yet we’ve treated a visitor living with it as a threat.” -
New Start Treaty with Russia
The new Start Treaty was a treaty between the U.S. and the Russians in which our goal was to decrease the amount of nuclear weapons in Russia and the U.S. The new start treaty had replaced the previously made treaty of Moscow which was set to expire in december of 2012 -
President Barack Obama lifts all travel restrictions
In late 2009 Obama had ended a 22-year ban on travel to the United States. With the ban being lifted now allowed people who had been previously diagnosed with aids could now travel. Obama had stated in his adrees to end the ban that “If we want to be a global leader in combating H.I.V./AIDS, we need to act like it. Now, we talk about reducing the stigma of this disease, yet we’ve treated a visitor living with it as a threat.” -
Operation Geronimo
Osama bin Laden was the founder of the Islamist group Al-Qaeda. On May 1st, 2011, a highly trained group of individuals called seal team six was sent to Afghanistan to track down and kill the leader of the Islamic terrorist group Al-Queda. -
U.S. Threatens air attack on Syria
President Obama wanted to issue an air strike on Syria for killing kids in unconventional ways. Obama wanted to issue an air strike on them whether or not the United Nations, congress, the public, or Britain, stood by him or not. He was ready to come out of isolation and fix the problem in Syria that he had warships armed with tomahawks right in the Mediterranean sea. The outcome never ended up having missiles fired. They reached an agreement to destroy all the chemical weapons. -
Embargo on Cuba has some restrictions lifted
During the Obama administration, they had taken many efforts to lift the embargo on Cuban. Although the Obama administration did not lift the entire thing, they did lift certain restrictions of it. One thing they lifted from the embargo was that U.S. citizens could now freely travel to Cuba and also bring home up to $100.00 in either rum or Cuban cigars for personal use only. It also lifted that any freight liner would not have to wait for 180 days to come to the U.S. after docking in Cuba. -
Trumps Travel Ban
In 2017, During Trumps first couple months as the POTUS, he has issued a travel ban on several middle eastern countries known as Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. This travel ban was issued by Trump himself by an executive order. The executive order placed a ban on immigrants from coming into the U.S.for 180 days. The media blew his travel ban executive order out of the water making trump look like a huge racist by saying it was a ban on the Muslims when it was a ban on everyone.