Geneva Naval Conference
Conferences purpose was to talk about naval arms limitation, held in Geneva, Switzerland. President Coolidge had been the one to issue the meeting, and to confront the issues of naval rivalries, and discuss the naval arms limitation, which had all been agreed in the Washington NAval Treaty. -
Stimson doctrine
Stimson Doctrine is a policy of the United States, The doctrine was an application of the "ex injuria jus non oritur". This doctrine was named after Henry Stimson. Stimson said that the United States would not recognize any of the changes made in China that would curtail Americans rights in that area, and the doctrine was criticized, that it did nothing more than aleinate the Japanese. -
Jan 1, 1933 Good neighbor policy in latin america
FDR wanted to become on better terms with nations in latin America. It was a united state foreign policy doctrine, adopted by franklin Roosevelt. Was designed to improve relations with latin america, This encouraged interactiosns between the united states and lation america as equals -
London Conference of 1933
66 nations met in London to try to find a solution to the great depression. FDR was at first, He was going to send his secretary of state, but later on he withdrew his idea, and went after the other nations for attempting to do what he was trying to do. -
Montevideo Conference
This is a treaty signed at Montevideo, Uruguay, during the seventh international conference of American States. At the conference, Roosevelt and Cordell Hull declared the Good Neighbor Policy, it had opposed U.S armed intervention in Inter-American affairs. The convention was registered in League of Nations Treaty Series on January 8, 1936. This treaty discusses the definition and rights of statehood. -
Nuetrality Act of 1935
The Neutrality Act of 1935 was an act that imposes a ban on arms trade, and on other war materials. This act had passed three separate neutrality laws, an embargo on arms sales, American ships can not enter a war zone, and prohibit them from being armed, and last barred Americans from traveling on belligerent ships. This act was approved on August 31, 1935. -
Spanish Civil War
Had went from 1936-1939. Was known as The Civil War, This war was portrayed as a struggle between fascism and democracy, some describe it as a struggle between leftist revolution and rightist counterrevolution. The nationalist had won, franco ruled Spain for 36 years, he had ruled until his death.
Ending: "Today, after having disarmed and captured the red army, the nationalist troops have secured their final military objective. The was is ended, April 1, 1939. Year of Victory" -
Casablanca Conference
January 14, to January 24th,1943, The first war conference between the allied powers. This conference was placed in Casablanca, Morocco. The purpose of this was the planning of the allied strategy and the ending of the war. The conference was a success, it set good direction for the rest of the war time. -
Cairo Conference
The Cairo conference was held in Cairo, Egypt. The purpose was to go over the allied position with japan and made decisions about Asia, and the war they were going to be in. The allies had pledged to continue the war against Japan, and to keep Japanese forces from all the territories, as Chinese territories, Korea, And the Pacific Islands. -
Yalta Conference
This conference was the second wartime meeting. Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and FDR were the three leaders, Stalin agreed to permit free elections, The goal of these meetings were to shape post-war peace. -
Surender of Germany ( V-E day) and Japan (V-J day)
As Adolph Hitler committed suicide, Hitler was not aware that Germany's surrender had already begun. The day before Hitlers death the troops in Italy had laid down their arms, on May 4, Germany forces in northwest Germany had surrendered to British field Marshall Montgomery. They signed the surrender document on May 7. After six long years the war in Europe ws over! -
Japanese Surrender
World War II officially ends as Japan surrenders to the U.S. unconditionally after the atomic bombs are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With the help of the United States, called for a surrender of the Japanese armed forces in the Potsdam Declaration on July 26, 1945. On August 14, 1945, the Japanese surrendered to the allies. On September 2, 1945, Japan formally surrendered with the signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender. -
Truman Doctrine
Truman Doctrine was established and gave $400 million to Turkey and Greece. The doctrine had shown that they are going to support anti-communist around the world. Started on May 22, 1947, Was known as the " Agreements on Aid to Greece and the Turkey" Then was renamed or formally known as the Truman Doctrine. It took 2 months for Truman to line up the funding for Turkey and Greece and get the legislation passed through congress. -
Marshall Plan Announced
Secretary of State George C. Marshall announced his plan in 1947 to provide financial relief to Western European nations struggling to rebuild from the war. The underlying incentive for this plan was to deter these nations from implementing Communism as a way to solve their postwar economic dilemmas. The plan angered Stalin, who was always looking to expand his Soviet regime, and increased tensions between the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. -
Berlin Blockade
Was one of the first Crises of the Cold War, the Soviet Union blocked the western allies railroads, and canal ways. The soviets had said they would drop the blockade if the western allies stopped the Deutsche mark from the Western Berlin. -
Marshall Plan
Marshall Plan was a program, was destroyed in a result of the war. Gave more than $12 billion in aid to European nations and was key in revitalizing their post-war economies. This plan also saw communism as a threat to europian stability. The United States was the only major power that had no suffered damage during the war. -
Creating of NATO
The United States joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949 along with eleven other Western European Nations. NATO marked a departure from traditional American isolationism as well as a significant step in the militarization of the Cold War. NATO became the cornerstone of all Cold War American policy toward Europe. -
NATO treaty approved
Korean War
The democratic people's republic of north Korea launched a surprise attack on south Korea, this attack took 3,000,000 lives.The war ended in 1953, there was a 3 year penisula. -
Iron Curtain Speech/Containment
In March 1946, Winston Churchill delivered his famous Iron Curtain Speech, in which he said that the world has been divided as an Iron Curtain has fallen around Eastern Europe. This related greatly to the US policy of containment of Communism. In this policy, the United States goal was not to combat Communism directly, but rather to contain to the areas where it was already present.