Foreign Policy Timeline 2,000 present war on terror

  • 9/11

    Islamic terrorist attack the United States on September 11, 2001. The terrorist gained control of 4 planes. Two planes were hit into The World Trade Center in NYC. The third plane struck into the pentagon and the fourth crashed into Pennsylvania. Involved: Osama Bin Laden, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, al-Qaeda members Result: developed the department of homeland security, U.S. military were ordered to Afghanistan to remove terrorist Al-Qaeda, and there was an expansion of security.
  • United States Invades Afghanistan

    United States Invades Afghanistan
    U.S. troops ordered to Afghanistan to kill terrorist Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. The UK assisted. George W. Bush ordered invasions to Afghanistan to eliminate terrorist and prevent harmful strikes. The Taliban arranged a proposal to moving Bin Laden a third world country if the United States gave evidence that he was involved with the attack. Bush refused the action. Involved: The United States and Afghanistan Outcome: Deletion of Al-Qaeda and Taliban troop, the collapse of Taliban government.
  • Patriot Act

    Patriot Act
    Laws are set in place to prevent future terrorist attacks, increased amount of surveillance to enhance safety, and gives the government's ability to determine terrorist attacking plans. This act was enforced in order to improve protection to the United States. Involved: United States Outcome: Awareness of terrorism and prevention from attacks.
  • SORT

    Treaty between the United States and Russia. The purpose of the treaty was to decrease the number of nuclear weapons by 2012. Every two years they will meet and discuss the progress made from limiting nukes. Any country could refuse the treaty by three months. Involve: Russia and U.S. Outcome: 2007 U.S. military decreased nuclear weapons by 50%
  • Start of Iraq War

    Start of Iraq War
    The United Nations weapon examiner Hans Blix told security that Iraq has not taken all of the chemical weaponry. Colin Powell gave proof of Iraq having dangerous artillery. 16,000 soldiers from U.S., U.K., A.U., and P.L. attacked Iraq to remove chemical killing methods, stop Iraq of assisting terrorism, and Iraqi people to no longer be controlled. Involved: United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Poland, and Iraq. Outcome: New form of the Iraqi government, Start of Iraq War.
  • Secure Fence Act

    Secure Fence Act
    Aid security to America’s borders by protecting from unlawful entry and transferring drugs. Within the Mexican United States border the act allowed fences and walls to be built, the ability of surveillance technology to be used as well to prevent any illegal action. Result: Illegal trespassing declined by 18%, by 2012 966 miles of fencing were constructed.
  • Accountability Appropriations Act

    Accountability Appropriations Act
    Supplies financial support for Iraq War. The bill allowed for $95 billion to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, Minimum wage to be raised $7.25 an hour, supported natural disasters to help damage, cost, and deletion of a health insurance program for children who were unable to qualify for Medicaid.
  • United States Civil Nuclear Agreement With India

    United States Civil Nuclear Agreement With India
    Agreement for India to take all nuclear military equipment into International Atomic Energy Agency and U.S. to have joined nuclear weapons with India. Benefits economy by investing in nuclear production and trade in America. India will be able to eliminate releases of carbon dioxide by using nuclear power to have electricity instead of burning coal and harming the environment. Outcome: Increases conflict with India nuclear weapons becoming a threat to Pakistan.
  • Obama lifts all travel restrictions to see relatives in Cuba

    Obama lifts all travel restrictions to see relatives in Cuba
    Obama changed policy in Cuba by allowing plane travel, transfer money, and easier communications once a year to help Cubans meet with their families. There was no time or limit for how many days they could stay. Obama was committed to having better ties with Cuba. Involved: U.S. and Cuba Outcome: Cubans are now able to visit family members and Increases Cuban economize
  • Killing Of Bin Laden

    Killing Of Bin Laden
    Al Qaeda leader killed by the U.S. army in Pakistan. The code name for this procedure was Operation Neptune Spear. Result: U.S. representatives took the body to Afghanistan to verify and placed him in the North Arabian Sea in less than 24 hours to fulfill Islamic traditions. Involved: CIA, SAD, NSWDG, AirBorne, VMAQ-4
  • End Of Iraq War

    End Of Iraq War
    The U.S. military was removed from Iraq, allowing 10,000 troops to spend time with their family. Result: The war caused the Iraqi people to struggle and led to democracy based with Islamic rules. There was found to be more than 162,000 Iraq members dead, and 31 U.S. soldiers died. Involved: U.S., U.K., A.U., P.L.
  • Korea Free Trade Agreement

    Korea Free Trade Agreement
    Free trade with United States and Korea with removing blockage to trade in goods and investments. Improve Korea and U.S. economy. Involved: U.S. and Korea Outcome: 775,000 Vehicles sold in U.S. from Korea.
  • Threatened air attack on Syria 2013

    Threatened air attack on Syria 2013
    Ghouta chemical attack killed 281 to 1,729 people in Syria.The U.S. and France warned Syria of dropping bombs on them for using chemical weapons. U.S. Secretary of state John Kerry made a deal that if Syria removed its chemical weapons there would not be an attack on them. Russia communicated with Syria and reached an agreement to get rid of dangerous weaponry.
  • UN Arms Treaty

    UN Arms Treaty
    Treaty that monitors trade in guns for protection from terrorism and prevents illegal trade from occurring. Set rules for importing and exporting. Decreases stores abilities to sell firearms. 91 states agree to the treaty.
  • End Of Afghanistan War

    End Of Afghanistan War
    Although the war reached an end U.S. troops are unable to leave Afghanistan until 2017 where 5,500 soldiers will be able to leave. Result: More than 3,021 people in Afghanistan were killed. Involved: U.S., U.K., C.A., A.U., G.E.R.