Foreign Policy timeline 1950-1975

By devans5
  • Berlin blockade

    Berlin blockade
    The blockade was an attempt to limit the ability of the U.S, France and the UK to travel to their sectors of Berlin. The USSR offered to drop blockade if the use of Deutsche mark was stopped in West Berlin. The blockade lead to the Berlin Airlift. The blockade ended May 12, 1949.
  • Berlin Airlift

    Berlin Airlift
    It was a response to the Berlin Blockade. It was to give people in West Berlin supplies. They did this by dropping the supplies by plane. The nations that were involved were the U.S, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zeland. The AirLift caused the blockade to end. The Airlift ended September 30. 1949
  • ANZUS treaty

    ANZUS treaty
    It is a collective security agreement between Australia, New Zeland and the U.S. It involved any military matter in the Pacific Ocean region. The agreement said that if any of the nation in the treaty were attacked the others nations in the treaty would help defend that nation. It was made to stop the spread of communism.
  • Korean Armistice Agreement

    Korean Armistice Agreement
    An armistice was signed between North Korea, South Korea, and the UCN to end the fighting. It created a cease-fire and a new border between North and South Korea. The people who signed were Genral Nam, Peng Dehuai and William Kelly Harrison Jr.
  • SEATO is formed

    SEATO is formed
    SEATO was an international organization created a collective defense of Southeast Asia. The organization tried to stop the spread of communism. There were 8 nations that were members of the organization. The 8 nations are U.S, UK, france, Thailand, Philippines, Pakistan, New Zealand and Australia. This fail and it dissolved June 30, 1977.
  • Eisenhower Doctrine

    Eisenhower Doctrine
    This Doctrine was made to deal with the situation in the Middle East. It said that any middle eastern country could get economic assistance or aid from U.S military forces. The country can only get aid if threatened by armed aggression.
  • The Bay of Pigs

    The Bay of Pigs
    The U.S government tried to overthrow Castro by trying to start an anti-Castro uprising. The government did this by training 14,000 Cuban exiles in Guerilla tactics. When they invaded the U.S troops were quickly surrounded and surrender in less than 24 hours.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    The U.S had gotten information that the USSR was insttalling nuclear missiles in cuba. On october 22 JFK enacted a blockade to stop the USSR from placing the missiles in Cuba. Conflict was avoided when JFK and the USSR leader Nikita Khrushchev made a deal. The missiles in cuba will be removed and in exchange the U>S promise to not attack Cuba and remove missiles in Turkey. It ended October 28, 1962
  • Partial Nuclear Test Ban

    Partial Nuclear Test Ban
    This treaty bans the test of nuclear weapons underwater, in space and on the surface. Any tests were only allowed underground. It was signed by the U.S, Great Britain, and the Soviet Union. It was the first step to control nuclear wepons.
  • Gulf of Tonkin incident

    Gulf of Tonkin incident
    The U.S destroyer the USS Maddox was patrolling the Gulf of Tonkin as part of the DESOTO operations. The destroyer was pursued by three North Vietnamese Navy torpedo boats. The USS Maddox fired some warning shots. This cause the boats to fire torpedos at the Maddox. This caused a "sea battle" that allegedly damaged a U.S aircraft carrier. The battle also damaged the three torpedo boats, wounded six and killed four North Vietnamese troops.
  • Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

    Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
    This resolution was enacted because of the Gulf of Tonkin Incident. This allowed the U.S can help any Southeast Asia that is threatened by communism aggression. This also to allow the persident to use military force without foically declareing war.
  • Vietnamization

    This policy was made during the Vietnam war by the Nixion administration. It was made to end the U.S involvement in the war. The U.S government di this by using a program to train and equip South Vietmanses troops. They also steadily reduced the amount of U.S. This cause the role of U.S in the war to reduce.
  • Nixon Doctrine

    Nixon Doctrine
    This doctrine stated that the U.S will reduce the amount of assistance in the defecnce of allied nations. It said the U.S would aissit in the defence and devevoplment of allies. The U.S would not undertake all defenses of free nations.
  • Nixon visits China

    Nixon visits China
    On February 21, 1972, Nixon, the first lady, and some advisors visited China for a week. During that week Nixon meet with Chairmen Mao Zedong. The first lady toured schools, factories and hospitals. This was the first step for improving the relations bwteen the U.S and China. This visit shifted the balance in the Cold War by making china go against the USSR. The visit ended February 21, 1972.
  • Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty

    Anti-Ballistic Missile (ABM) Treaty
    This treaty was signed by the USSR and the U.S. This treaty limited the amount of ABM systems the two nations can have. Each nation can only have two ABM systems and those systems can only have 100 ABM.