Period: to 1 BCE
The Four-Power Treaty intornatinlist
Replaced the Anglo-Japanese which was of concern for the United States. The Four-Power Treaty the U.S., France, Britain, and Japan. Agreement to consult with each other in case of future events of a crisis in East Asia before taking action. -
Period: to 1 BCE
The Nine-Power Treaty interntionlace
This was the final mulitateral agreement made at the Washington Naval Conference. They recognized Japanese dominace in Manchuria. This treaty sserved to uphold the status quo int the Pacific. And open up opritonants such as the Open-door policy with China. -
Period: to
U.S. Peace Advocates isolationist
U.S. officials and private citizens made significant efforts to propose that there will be no more actions that will be drawn to war. International Peace movement -
Period: to
U.S. Loans to Allied Powers intronationlist
Germany was determined to secure repayment of the more then 10$ billion they had loaned to Allies. Meanwhile U.S. was in no rush to collect debt,Congress created plans to help pay called the United States War Debt Commission -
Period: to
Initial Arms Limits isoltionist
After WW1 nations became concerned about other nations what threats they may have to offer.This feel into the treaty such as the Five Powers Treaty helping maintain the possibility of an arms race and possible war -
Period: to
Failure to Form a Treaty isoltionist
The failure of failing to come to a truths amongestt nations. No friendship. -
Period: to
The Dawes Plan intronationlist
European powers stalemated over German reparations commission stuck a committee to review such situations. Germany was loaned 200$million dollars to help economic stabilization. U.S continued to lend money to Germany -
Period: to
The Five-power Treaty intronationlist
Treaty signed by the U.S., Great Britain, Japan, France and Italy. It was a naval agrement for helping the countries involed to maintain a set raido of warship tonnage tons. Although the Five-Power treaty helped maintain Naval ground amognst countriies, some ships went unrestricted. -
Period: to
The Young Plan intronationlisit
Everyone was broke after the war, many nations are in debt. The Young Plan was established to International Settlements, designed to facilitate the payment of reparations however the Great Depression doom the Young Plan an many loans were taken