
Foreign Policy Cold War

  • What is a Foreign Policy

    What is a Foreign Policy
    An adopted policy from other countries. It was a procedure to deal with problems going on in other countries.
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    A war between most of the worlds superpowers:
    United States
    Soviet Union
    Great Britian
  • U.S Foreign Policy

    U.S Foreign Policy
    The U.S changed its policy after coming out of WWll. Took the time to found the United Nations, invest in the Marshal Plan, create alliances such as NATO. The policy was used to contain the Soviet Union and the spread of communism to countries in Europe and Asia. They also competed militarily, economically, and ideologically. Buffing military and nuclear weapons but never going to war. They even competed against each other in the so called space race.
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    Cold War

    Military and political tensions between the U.S and the Soviet Union that leads close to the brink of war. It was more of a fight in the spread of their political ideals. One side on capitalist and the other side on communists. The US wanted to stop the Soviet Union from spreading communism to its neighboring countries by supporting their capitalists allies in wars. Like the Korean and Vietnam war.
  • (NATO) Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization

    (NATO) Northern Atlantic Treaty Organization
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    Vietnam War

    Conflict between Communist forces of North Vietnam, backed by China and the USSR, and non-Communist forces of South Vietnam, backed by the United States. The United States main goal was to prevent Communism from taking Vietnam and help support the South. But neither side sent troops to enter the war for that would lead to another world war.