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Foreign Policy

  • Veracrus Incident

    It was a standoff between US and Huerta. Congress authorizes force in president's discretion. ABC Powers try to meditate. US seizes Vera Cruz. Huerta breaks diplomatic relations; war seems near.
  • Woodrow Wilson propounds Wilsonianism

    Woodrow Wilson propounds Wilsonianism
    An idealistic foreign policy designed to end the causes of war. Try to destroy militarism and building a world organization. The League of Nations, that can resolve disputes and even intervene militarily.
  • Atlantic Charter

    Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill agreed on a couple of things. 1. No territorial gains sought by US or Britian. 2. Territorial adjustments must conform to people involved. 3. People have right to choose their own govt. 4. Trade barriers lowered. 5. There must be a disagreement. 6. There must be freedom from want and fear. 7. There must be freedom from the seas. 8. There must be and association of nations.
  • Berlin Blockade

    Berlin Blockade
    Imposed on June 24, but the Soviet Union. Blocking rail and highwat traffic into wester sections of Berlin, followed by Operation Vittles. Operation Vittles, US airlifted massive amounts of food, fuel, and supplies into the city. Soviet blacked lifter on May 12, 1949.
  • Cuba

    US suspends sugar quota. Sugar was 80% of Cuban exports to US. Soviet Union agrees to but Cuban sugar and provide oil. Cuba seizes $1.5 billion of American properties
  • Tet Offense

    Tet Offense
    Viet Cong in Vietnam fails to topple pro-US government. This causes a political crisis inside the US. Johnson rejects military call for more soldiers; quits presidential race to work for peace.
  • Renewal Cold War

    After Afghanistan, President Carter agrees detente has failed. Calls for a boycott of Moscow Olympics in 1980 and increase in military spending. Sense of "malaise" or weakening in national and international affairs troubles Americans.
  • Oslo

    Agreements between Israel and PLO win US support. Plans for PLO rule in Gaza Strip and West Bank.
  • Al-Qaeda

    Terrorists launch 9-11 Attack.The president at the time was George Bush. He had a strong backing in Congress and NATO, declares "War on terrorism."
  • Neoconservative

    Advisors propose to follow Wilsonianism in foreign affairs. They aggressively promote democracy in the Middle East, and by isolating rogue states that comprise the "Axis of Evil," comprising Iraq and North Korea.