Good Neighbor Policy
US adopted friendlier policy towards Latin America -
London Economic Conference
Sixty six nations got together in an attempt to stabilize the value of the national currencies. The conference fell apart when the United States refused to attend. -
US recognizes the Soviet Union
US officially recognized the sixteen-year Bolshevik regime in the Soviet Union -
Tydings-McDuffie Act
This act provided for the independence of the Philippines after a twelve-year period of economic and political tutelage. Main reason for this act was that if the Philippines was attacked the US did not want to be held responsible. -
Nye Comittee created to investigate "blood business"
Johnson Debt Default Act
Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act
Roosevelt was now able to lower existing rates by as much as fifty percent provided that the other country involved was willing to respond with similar reductions. This was negotiated by Secretary of State Cordell Hull and it helped increase trade and allowed it to be more free. -
Neutrality Act of 1935
Mussolini attacks Ethiopia
Neutrality Act of 1936
Spanish Civil War
Rome-Berlin Axis
Neutrality Act of 1937
Japan invades China at Marco Polo Bridge
"Quarantine Speech"
Panay Incident
Hitler annexes Austria
Munich Conference
Hitler-Stalin Pact
Hitler invades Poland- Britain and France declare war on Germany
Neutrality Act of 1939 "Cash-and-Carry"
Hitler invades all of Czechoslovakia
Fall of France
Havana Conference
Bases-for-destroyers Deal with Britain
Conscription Law passed
FDR re-elected for third term
ABC-1 Agreement
Lend-Leas Act
Robin Moor destroyed by American submarine
Hitler attacks Soviet Union
Atlantic Charter
Japan attacks Pearl Harbor
Japanese-Americans moved to internment camps
Battle of Coral Sea
Battle of Midway
Battle of EL Alamein
Battle of Stalingrad
Casablanca Conference
Smith-Conally Anti-Strike Act
Italy surrenders
Tehran Conference
Liberation of Paris
FDR elected for fourh term
Germany surrenders
Potsdam Conference
Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima
Atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki
Japan surrenders