first football helmet
Lafayette College halfback George "Rose" Barclay began to use straps and earpieces to protect his ears.it covered the ears to prevent cauliflower ears. http://www.extremeteamsports.com/Football-Pop%20Warner/HistoryOfFootballHelmets.htm -
1920 football
soft leather helmet mostly used my the nfl.first helmet to protect the ears.also padding inside the helmet to help preven major head injurys. http://www.extremeteamsports.com/Football-Pop%20Warner/HistoryOfFootballHelmets.htm -
1930 football
harder leather and the first use of chin straps.the harder the leather became and the more resistant to heah to head colistions. http://www.extremeteamsports.com/Football-Pop%20Warner/HistoryOfFootballHelmets.htm -
1940 football
use in the nfl and the first time to have color and a logo for each team.also the first use for straps to hold the helmet in place. http://www.extremeteamsports.com/Football-Pop%20Warner/HistoryOfFootballHelmets.htm -
1950 football
first year to start using plastic football helmets.also all plastic helmets has some sort of face mask.the hard plastic made major improvements to the football helmet. http://www.extremeteamsports.com/Football-Pop%20Warner/HistoryOfFootballHelmets.htm -
first facemask
a single bar face make as first introduced by the cleaveland browns. it was introduced to proven injury to the jaw and face of the football player. http://www.extremeteamsports.com/Football-Pop%20Warner/HistoryOfFootballHelmets.htm -
radio helmets
the first time raido helmets where introduced.it was introduced by the cleavland browns.it was used to give calls to the players.it was ban 3 games later. http://www.extremeteamsports.com/Football-Pop%20Warner/HistoryOfFootballHelmets.htm -
helmets where becoming safer and safer.by useing padding on the forhead and ears. http://www.extremeteamsports.com/Football-Pop%20Warner/HistoryOfFootballHelmets.htm -
radio helmets
radio helmets where re introduced to talk to players. and they are still used by coaches and players today. http://www.extremeteamsports.com/Football-Pop%20Warner/HistoryOfFootballHelmets.htm -
helmets today have to ensure full protecion from other players.now there is air pockets to fit to the head.also chinstraps to be comfatablity to the player.today the plastic shell is made from the same material used in astronaut helmets. http://equipmentforfootball.com/helmets.html