
  • First world championship

    First world championship
    Kan­sas City Chiefs 10 Green Bay Pack­ers 35 Loc­a­tion: Los Angeles, Cal­if. MVP: Bart Starr, quar­ter­back Half­time show: Uni­versity of Ari­zona and Gram­bling State bands That’s in­ter­est­ing: Each Pack­ers play­er re­ceived a $15,000 bo­nus for win­ning. Chiefs play­ers hauled in $7,500 for los­ing. A one-minute com­mer­cial spot cost between $75,000 to $85,000. The game ap­peared on CBS and NBC.
  • Period: to


  • 10th Super bowl

    10th Super bowl
    Dal­las Cow­boys 17 Pitt­s­burgh Steel­ers 21 Loc­a­tion: Miami, Fla. MVP: Lynn Swann, wide re­ceiv­er Half­time show: Up with People No ugly duck­ling: Lynn Swann was ex­pec­ted to be a de­coy after a vi­cious hit in the AFC cham­pi­on­ship game gave him a con­cus­sion and sent him to the hos­pit­al. In­stead, the Steel­ers’ wide re­ceiv­er caught four passes for 161 yards and a touch­down.
  • 15th Superbowl

    15th Superbowl
    Oak­land Raid­ers 27 Phil­adelphia Eagles 10 Loc­a­tion: New Or­leans, La. MVP: Jim Plun­kett, quar­ter­back Half­time show: South­ern Uni­versity band and Helen O’Con­nell Wild win­ners: The Raid­ers, after a failed at­tempt in the off­season to move from Oak­land to Los Angeles, stuck it to the league by be­com­ing the first wild-card team to win the Su­per Bowl.
  • 20th Super bowl

    20th Super bowl
    Chica­go Bears 46 New Eng­land Pat­ri­ots 10 Loc­a­tion: New Or­leans, La. MVP: Richard Dent, def. end Half­time show: Up with People The Su­per Bowl Shuffle: Wil­li­am “The Re­fri­ger­at­or” Perry be­came the heav­iest man to score a touch­down in the Su­per Bowl. He didn’t per­form a touch­down dance but the big man can move (see the Grammy nom­in­ated Su­per Bowl Shuffle).
  • 25th super bowl

    25th super bowl
    Buf­falo Bills 19 New York Gi­ants 20 Loc­a­tion: Tampa, Fla. MVP: Ot­tis An­der­son, run­ning back Half­time show: New Kids on the Block, Dis­ney char­ac­ters Wide right: Do Buf­falo Bills fans ever won­der what it would have been like if Scott Nor­wood had split the up­rights on the po­ten­tial game-win­ning field goal? Would a win in Su­per Bowl XXV change the out­comes of Su­per Bowls XXVI, XXVII and XXVIII?
  • 30th Super bowl

    30th Super bowl
    Dal­las Cow­boys 27 Pitt­s­burgh Steel­ers 17 Loc­a­tion: Tempe, Ar­iz. MVP: Larry Brown, corner­back Half­time show: Di­ana Ross Nos­trada­mus: As pre­dicted six years earli­er on an epis­ode of “Quantum Leap,” the Steel­ers were in Su­per Bowl XXX and trail­ing by three. Yes, creepy. The Steel­ers per­fect Su­per Bowl re­cord (4-0) van­ished faster than Scott Bak­ula as the Cow­boys held on for the win.
  • 35th Super bowl

    35th Super bowl
    Bal­timore Ravens 34 New York Gi­ants 7 Loc­a­tion: Tampa, Fla. MVP: Ray Lewis, line­back­er Half­time show: Aer­o­s­mith, ‘N Sync, Brit­ney Spears, Mary J. Blige, Nelly, Ben Stil­ler and Adam Sand­ler Stop­pers: The Ravens, led by line­back­er Ray Lewis, stormed through “Fest­ivus” and in­to the Su­per Bowl where they forced all 16 pos­ses­sions of the “Foot­ball Gi­ants” to end in punts or turnovers.
  • 40th Super bowl

    40th Super bowl
    Seattle Seahawks 10 Pitt­s­burgh Steel­ers 21 Loc­a­tion: De­troit, Mich. MVP: Hines Ward, wide re­ceiv­er Half­time show: The Rolling Stones Throw him un­der “The Bus”: Over­shad­ow­ing Jerome Bet­tis’ re­turn to the Mo­tor City was ref­er­ee Bill Leavy’s blown calls. “I kicked two calls in the fourth quarter and I im­pacted the game, and as an of­fi­cial you nev­er want to do that.”
  • 45th Super Bowl

    45th Super Bowl
    Green Bay Pack­ers 31 Pitt­s­burgh Steel­ers 25 Loc­a­tion: North Texas, Texas MVP: Aaron Rodgers, quar­ter­back Half­time show: The Black Eyed Peas, Ush­er, Slash Brett Favre who?: Three sea­sons after the Pack par­ted ways with Favre, Aaron Rodgers led the dom­in­ant team to a Su­per Bowl vic­tory. Green Bay nev­er trailed by more than sev­en points all sea­son.
  • 47th Super Bowl

    47th Super Bowl
    Bal­timore Ravens 34 San Fran­cisco 49ers 31 Loc­a­tion: New Or­leans, La. MVP: Joe Flacco, quar­ter­back Half­time show: Bey­once First, last, young, old: Ray Lewis gets his last ring as the Nin­ers take their first Su­per Bowl loss. The older John Har­baugh out­coached his young­er broth­er Jim in a game that was truly “lights out.”