Some important food facts from the 1910s include:
-Refrigerators, first made for home use in 1913, helped cut down on trips to the grocery store.
-The electric toaster, invented in 1919, made warming bread a snap.
-Grocery stores grew in size, carrying thousands of items to help make home life easier. -
During the 1930s, the world was hit by the Great Depression. As you can imagine this affected the way people had to eat
-Farm families used their crops to help feed their families
-Breadlines and soup kitchens were established as charitable organizations giving free bread and soup to the impoverished.
-Since food was not as readily available, It was more important than ever to ration food -
During the 1950s events such as the Korean War and McCarthyism were in full swing. Some facts from this time period include:
-Mcdonalds began sweeping across the nation during the 1950s.
-During the 1950s frozen packaged foods began to rise in popularity.
-In 1954 Swanson sold over 10 million TV dinners in just 2 years. -
Some food facts from the 1960s would be:
-'Boiling Bags' were introduced. Frozen plastic packages of food that can be dropped in boiling water to heat them for serving.
-U.S. President Kennedy announces pilot food stamp programs would be initiated.
-The United Farm Workers union is founded by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta. -
During the 1980s some food facts that defined the era include:
-McDonald's test marketed Chicken McNuggets in Knoxville, Tennessee
-Due to record high sugar prices, Coca Cola begins substituting high fructose corn syrup for half of the sucrose used in Coca Cola
-There are about 6,000 KFC restaurants, and they sell 2.7 billion pieces of chicken