Period: to
Canned fruit, fruit preserves, double-mint gum, beef, condensed soup, cream of potato soup, potato cakes, corn bread, beets, and new food production methods due to the development of WWI.
Here is a link to all of my graphics from all of the time periods:
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wx5NX69XivSXFRjpYWmq8492hva5KNedFQrP3x0Yebg/edit?usp=sharing -
National Coffee Association was founded
Hawaiian Pineapple Company introduces canned pineapple
Oreo makes their debut
Period: to
Food "disguises" grew popular: such as pigs in a blanket. Black bottom pie, chicken casseroles, sweet potato marshmallow surprise, chili, macaroni and cheese, soups, and spaghetti were all popular due to the need to spread the food budget thin due to savings needed because of the Great Depression in America. Images: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wx5NX69XivSXFRjpYWmq8492hva5KNedFQrP3x0Yebg/edit?usp=sharing -
USDA began inspecting live poultry
Twinkies went on sale
Spam was introduced
Period: to
Noodles, spam, meatloaf, deviled eggs, angels' food cake, fried chicken, peas, mashed potatoes, fondue, tarts, fudge, and cool whip all grew in popularity during this time period. Eggo Waffles, Pop Tarts, Doritos, and even Gatorade began to make an appearance as well. Images: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wx5NX69XivSXFRjpYWmq8492hva5KNedFQrP3x0Yebg/edit?usp=sharing -
Frozen fish sticks are introduced.
Aluminum cans were used for beverages
Monday night football began: more snacks encouraged
Period: to
Carrot cake, spaghettiO's, hamburger helper, watergate salad, cheese, pineapple sticks, cheese fondue, pineapple pizza, Jello-O, Fruit Roll Ups, frozen yogurt, sushi, sloppy-joe, hot pockets, Lunchables, Gushers, chicken Cesar salads, and Chinese chicken salad were all extremely popular developments in this time period. Images: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wx5NX69XivSXFRjpYWmq8492hva5KNedFQrP3x0Yebg/edit?usp=sharing -
McDonalds introduces the Happy Meal
Microwave popcorn is introduced
The Food Network appears on television
Period: to
Bacon, Cupcakes, watermelon salad, sliders, cake pops, chicken pot pie, pizza, avocado toast, Korean cuisine, plant based milks, fruit smoothies, kale, donuts, pumpkin spice flavoring, iced coffee, fake meats, edible cookie dough, and ice-cream were all popular developments during this most modern time period. Graphics: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wx5NX69XivSXFRjpYWmq8492hva5KNedFQrP3x0Yebg/edit?usp=sharing -
USDA reports first sighting of Mad Cow disease in the US (MCD)
The Food Network reaches 98 million homes
San Francisco passed a law where a toy can only be given in fast food meals if it is less than 600 calories