Food Systems Timeline

By Mbanta
  • Rise of Convenience Food

    Rise of Convenience Food
    • The focus on supplying troops with convenient foods led to us making easy to eat meals
    • These convenient foods included wheat, sugar, fat, and meat.
    • Plastic played a huge role in these foods, with the use of plastic quadrupled in this time period.
  • The Mainstream of Fertilizers and Pesticides

    The Mainstream of Fertilizers and Pesticides
    • With WWII happening at the moment, it changed how food was packaged and consumed
    • Farmers found a array of new uses for chemicals as nitrate factories shifted to making fertilizers
    • The use of synthetic fertilizer and pesticide is why the crop efficiency increased.
  • Natural Foods Movement

    Natural Foods Movement
    • DDT's were banned in the 70's, which kicked off the organics movement
    • All of the movements and back-to-the-land environmentalists promoted the use of more organic foods
    • These communities included more organic foods like vegetables, beans, grains, and organic fruits
  • Genetically Engineered Food

    Genetically Engineered Food
    • By the late 70's, most scientists were working on the next technological change in agriculture: Genetic Engineering.
    • GE was first used to make a tomato have a longer shelf life, causing GMO crops to cover half of US croplands
    • There have also been some concerns including the pesticides that are used to make these GMO foods. The pesticide runoff into our waterways makes it more of a negative than a positive
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    • In our present day in age, most of our food development doesn't involve the food itself, but the way we transport it.
    • In addition to transporting food, scientists today are also focused on preserving seeds that increase biodiversity
    • Lastly, Consumers are still demanding for the transparency in the labeling of foods that contain GMO ingredients