Food Systems

  • Period: to

    Getting Enough Food

    WWI occurred during this era. It caused a nation wide food shortage to be able to send food to troops. The great depression also started in the end of this era.
  • WWI

    When WWI started.
  • Rationing for Soldiers

    Rationing for Soldiers
    A poster made to encourage citizens to ration to help win the war.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The great depression started as the Getting Enough Food period ended.
  • Period: to

    Innovation is Getting By

    The great depression hit this era hard with unemployment at an all time high. WW2 also started during this period helping the United States out of the Great Depression. Ingredients were also scares so people resorted to adding unusual ingredients to recipes.
  • The End of The Great Depression

    The End of The Great Depression
    This marked the end of the Great Depression.
  • WWII

    When WWII started.
  • Ration Recipes During WWII

    Ration Recipes During WWII
    During this time Americans used obscure ingredients during these times to ration important ingredients for soldiers.
  • WWII ended

    WWII ended
    This is when WWII ended after six years of hard fought battles.
  • Period: to

    Convenience and New Products

    During this period there were a lot of nutritional concerns. More woman joined the work force. The Great Depression had just ended to the booming economy lead to the want for more products. One dish meals gained a lot of popularity during this time because of its easiness to cook and nutrition. Food scientist were highly in demand during these times due to the want for more nutritional products.
  • Women Joining the Workforce

    Women Joining the Workforce
    This poster was created by the government to encourage woman to join the work force.
  • USDA Came up with New Ways to Promote Healthy Eating

    USDA Came up with New Ways to Promote Healthy Eating
    This is an image that the USDA created to show people how they should eat on a day to day basis.
  • Period: to

    Food Safety

    During this era the FDA and USDA were pushing to tightly control food quality and content. The role of this era was for all consumers to know what they are eating when they buy a product. This era created nutrition labeling which is a very important part of food safety and health. This was known as the Fair Practices Labeling Act. The event that started majority of new food safety regulations was the White House Conference.
  • Fair Practices Labeling Act

    Fair Practices Labeling Act
    This act issued regulations requiring that all consumer commodities be labeled to disclose ingredients and nutrition.
  • White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health

    White House Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Health
    This conference was the first of its kind and was a landmark for food regulations.
  • Period: to

    Changing Styles of Food Consumption

    In this ear is when consumers could start to purchase seasonal food all year round due to importing internationally. This benefited Americans by being able to eat the same fresh food year round. New testing methods also came out that could identify food borne organisms. This lead to both safer and fresher foods. In this era nutracticals and biotechnology started to dominate the food production industry and will continue to be used for years to come.
  • Nutraceuticals

    Nutraceuticals are products, which other than nutrition are also used as medicine. This has been around for century's but never as advanced as it is now. The creation of new medicines from plants has helped save and benefit the lifes of many.
  • Biotechnology

    Biotechnology utilizes biological systems, living organisms or parts of this to develop or create different products. Without biotechnology the world today would not be the same.