Food Systems Development Timeline

  • World War I

    World War I
    World War I was emerging and food was important then more than ever. Poverty in the working class often led to malnutrition and starvation. Most of the food had to be imported from outside countries.
  • World Economic Depression

    World Economic Depression
    Poverty and malnutrition are still evident despite the war being over. Americans started specializing in foods such as meat, dairy, and sugars. Many developments of technologies arose such as rapid freeze and refrigerated retail cabinets.
  • Leggo My Eggo

    Leggo My Eggo
    Refrigerators were starting to become more popular, having places in 8% of homes. A rise in consumers led to food business panic and underproduction. The use of preservatives became more common. Eggos were invented!
  • FDA and USDA

    FDA and USDA
    The FDA and USDA became prominent organizations to control food quality and content. Public became more aware of what exactly they were eating when it came to content. A growth in convenience food as well as slimming foods.
  • New Direction

    New Direction
    New food testing identified certain foodborne illnesses and organisms. This led to safer foods from new processing methods, agriculture techniques, and further testing. Genetically modified and organic foods became the norm. The country opened up for many international foods from countries such as India and China.