Food System Timeline

  • 19th Century (1800s)

    19th Century (1800s)
    Agricultural Revolution: During this time, new farming techniques and tools were developed, resulting in increased food production and variety.
    Emergence of Canned Food: Canning was invented, allowing food to be preserved and transported more easily.
    Expansion of the Sugar Industry: Sugar production increased dramatically, leading to the widespread availability of sugar and sweets.
  • Early 20th Century (1900s - 1920s)

    Early 20th Century (1900s - 1920s)
    Emergence of the Convenience Food Industry: Companies began mass-producing and packaging pre-made meals, making it easier for people to have access to food.
    Growth of Fast Food: The fast food industry emerged, offering quick and inexpensive meals.
    Increased Interest in Healthy Eating: The advent of nutrition science led to a greater awareness of the importance of a balanced diet
  • Mid-20th Century (1930s - 1950s)

    Mid-20th Century (1930s - 1950s)
    World War II: Food production and distribution changed dramatically during the war, leading to rationing and the development of new food products.
    Emergence of Processed Foods: The introduction of new food preservation and processing techniques led to a proliferation of processed foods.
    Development of Frozen Foods: Freezer technology improved, allowing for the mass production and distribution of frozen foods
  • Late 20th Century (1960s - 1980s)

    Late 20th Century (1960s - 1980s)
    Growth of the Organic Food Movement: The organic food movement began, promoting the use of natural and environmentally sustainable farming methods.
    Emergence of Health Food Stores: Health food stores became more widespread, offering natural and organic products.
    Increase in International Cuisine: The popularity of international cuisine grew, as more people traveled and experienced new types of food.
  • Present Day (21st Century)

    Present Day (21st Century)
    Growth of Plant-Based Diets: Plant-based diets have become increasingly popular, as people seek to improve their health and reduce their environmental impact.
    Emergence of Food Delivery Services: The rise of food delivery services has made it easier for people to access a variety of foods from the comfort of their own homes.
    Increased Awareness of Food Waste: There has been a growing awareness of the problem of food waste, leading to efforts to reduce waste and promote sustainable food practices