Food Shortage in Venezuela

  • Oil

    Oil prices collapsed due to the economy decreasing (Brodzinsky, 2016).
  • Inflation

    Inflation is around 180.9% (second highest in the world) and was estimated to increase to 720% in 2016 (Holodny, 2016).
  • 60-Day State of Emergency

    President Nicolas Maduro declared a 60-day state of emergency because of "what he called plots from Venezuela and the United States to subvert him" (Holodny, 2016).
  • Growing Own Food

    President Maduro has urged people to grow their own food and raise chickens with urban farming, however; 80% of Venezuelans live in cities (Charner, 2016).
  • Gross Domestic Product

    Venezuela's gross domestic product contracted by 5.7% and was estimated to further shrink by 8% in 2016 (Holodny, 2016).
  • Changing the Time Zone?

    President Maduro has tried out some unorthodox things in response to the economic crisis, like thinking about changing the time zone. This would make more favorable daylight hours, urging women to simply cut use of hair dryers to save electricity (Holodny, 2016).
  • Food Riots

    Over 50 food riots, protests, and mass lootings have been accounted for and Venezuelans won't stop (Holodny, 2016).
  • Not Enough Food

    87% of Venezuelans say they do not have the money to purchase enough food. 72% of monthly wages are being allocated just to meals (Holodny, 2016).